Bay City is the first area you can explore in Destroy All Humans 2 2022, and it features many collectibles like the 5 Prints I will talk about below. I recommend you go for the Bay City Prints after you unlock the proximity detector in the From Russia With Guns mission.
With the detector unlocked, you will hear a clicking sound that goes faster and faster as you approach a collectible. Also, there will be two signs looking like arrows in the bottom middle of your screen that get closer to each other as you get near to a collectible.
However, the proximity detector has a short range, meaning you need to know at least the general area where the collectible is.
Where To Find All Bay City Prints in Destroy All Humans 2 2022
Let’s start with the following map, which pinpoints the locations of all the Bay City Prints.

As you can see, 3 Prints are next to landing zones, so getting to them won’t take much time, and for the other 2, you will have to skate a little.
Print #1: In a Small Tower
The first Print is located in Old Fort, on the north side of the Bay City area, as shown on the map above. You can go there faster with your saucer because there is a landing zone nearby. Once you reach the location, go uphill to the small tower to find the collectible inside.

Print #2: Above a Dumpster
Consult the map above and go to the second location marked on it, in the southwestern corner of the Bay City area. The second Print is above the dumpster near the graffiti wall, next to the landing zone.

Print #3: Next to a Bench
To get to the third Bay City Print, go east to the location marked with “3” on the map above, taking the main road, which passes by the water. Right before the crossroad to the east, you should see some stairs going up that you should use.

At some point, going up the stairs, you can make a right to enter a small garden with benches.

The third Print is next to a bench on the wall to the south.

Print #4: Near a Phone
Another collectible is in the military base on the northeast side of Bay City, as you can see on the map above. Be careful when entering the military base because it’s a restricted area. It would be best if you get a soldier disguise first. You can find the Print on the wall to the right as you enter the base, near a phone.

Print #5: Near a Ramp
The last Print is located in the middle of the Bay City area, in the KGB base. Head there with your saucer, and be careful because the KGB base is a restricted area as well. If you want to remain undetected, get the appropriate disguise.
The Print is on the southern wall in the middle part, under the fence, near a ramp, like in the following image.

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