At the Forspoken Water Garden Northeastern Tanta’s Familiar Monument, you can befriend one of the 20 Familiars scattered around Athia, provided you like cats and want to get a step closer to unlocking the Cat Person Trophy. Upon befriending a Familiar, it can be found at any Refuge, making the place more enjoyable. The Refuges are small buildings in which you can rest and craft.
However, this Familiar Monument and the cat itself can be hard to reach because you will need to do some parkour. First, it’s worth mentioning that to continue, you need the Zip ability, which you learn after dealing with Tanta Sila.
The Tanta’s Familiar Monument in question can be found in the Avoalet region. More exactly, in the Water Garden area, on the north side of the region, as shown on the following map.

Once you reach the spot pinpointed above, a yellow paw should appear on your map, like in the next image.

The yellow paw indicates the cat monument you are looking for, but to reach it, you must first go west to the location marked with the left arrow on our previous map. Now, you need to find a way to get up on the mountain. Here is where the Zip ability comes into play.
So, once you’re in the right place, look up and grapple with the Zip to the rock coming out of the mountain. Zip can be used by pressing the square button on your PlayStation controller. If you hold the button, it will be easier to target the rock.
Good, you’ve made it up; you can now go east to the Water Garden Northeastern Tanta’s Familiar Monument.

How to Befriend the Familiar
The next part is a little tricky because to befriend this cat, you’ll need to make the jump to the other side of the big gap to the north. Also, you have to move quickly, or the familiar will disappear, and you have to restart.
First, approach the monument so that you can see the exact location of the Water Garden Northeastern Familiar, which will be marked with a small purple circle. Now, hold the circle button to run faster and jump over the gap as much as you can, then use the Zip ability to cover the rest of the distance.
Make sure you hold the square button when using Zip, so you’ll have more time to target it. After you reach the other side, approach the cat slowly so you don’t frighten it. Make sure there are no enemies around; if there are, kill them and restart. You can continue, of course, if the cat doesn’t disappear.
When you get close enough to the Familiar, you can hold L2 to crouch, and you should do so, then continue approaching. While getting close to your soon-to-be friend, a yellow exclamation mark may appear above it.
When that happens, stop completely until the mark disappears, then continue slowly. Upon getting really close to the Water Garden Northeastern cat, you can press R2 to pet it. You’ll find out next that his name is Saglan, and he is one of Tanta Prav’s familiars.

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