God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach is a region in the Svartalfheim realm that contains four collectibles for you to find in the video game developed by Santa Monica Studio.
The following God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach collectibles locations guide explains in-depth everything you need to know about reaching 100% completion in this area by finding:
- 1 Nornir Chest
- 1 Lore
- 1 Buried Treasure
- 1 Yggdrasil Rift
When you reach the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach during the story, you will not be able to get all the collectibles. This guide is intended to be used after you’ve completed the main story.
So, in the following guide, we will go over all four God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach collectibles’ locations in chronological order.
Lore Rune Read (Don’t Breath): Under The Bridge
To reach the Dragon Beach region, take a boat from Nidavellir Beach and sail northeast.
It’s hard to miss the Dragon Beach region because it has a large broken wooden bridge above it and a giant statue of a warrior in armor in the back.
After you reach the shore and dock the boat, check under the wooden bridge.
You’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach Lore written with glowing blue glyphs on the resistance structure of the bridge.

Remember to check our God of War Ragnarok Lore locations guide if you are a completionist.
Nornir Chest: On The Left Side Of The Bridge
To the left of the previous Lore, you’ll find the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach Nornir Chest.
To open this Nornir Chest, you’ll have to destroy the three seal totems hidden behind the geysers around the beach.
They are difficult to spot through the geysers, so use your Leviathan Axe to freeze them and reveal the seal totem.
The first seal totem is behind the Nornir Chest, hidden by the geyser. Freeze the geyser using your Levithan Axe.
Then, set your aim on the seal totem, retrieve your axe by pressing (Triangle), and hit the seal totem through the geyser.

The second seal totem is hidden behind the dragon statue on the right side of the beach.
Go around the dragon statue and hit the seal totem with your Levithan Axe to destroy it.

The third and final seal totem is hidden behind the geyser on the west part of the beach, on the shore, and near the crane. Check the image below for the exact location of the seal totem.
Like the first seal totem, freeze the geyser, set your aim on it, retrieve the axe and destroy it through the geyser.

After destroying all three seal totems, you can open the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach Nornir Chest to receive a Horn of Blood Mead.
Buried Treasure (Washed Ashore): Next To A Dragon Skeleton
The Buried Treasure can be found on the right side of the beach near the foot of a dragon skeleton. Look for a glowing orange light in the sand.
To spawn the Buried Treasure, you must first get the Treasure Map, which can be obtained from the Lore Scroll collectible located in the Alberich Island region (covered in-depth here) in the Svartalfheim realm.
The map is best approached while playing The Lost Treasure Favor.
You will not see the glowing orange light if you do not have the Washed Ashore Treasure Map, so if you need help with it, check this in-depth guide.

Yggdrasil Rift: On The Wooden Bridge
Go to the beach’s northern (left) side and climb the golden chain.
Then, throw the Draupnir Spear (unlocked after completing the Forging Destiny Story Mission) at the wind coming out of the wooden pole to create a path to climb up.
At the top, press the (Circle) to use the grappling point and swing over to the bridge, then turn right and crouch under the broken wooden pole to find the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach Yggdrasil Rift.

Interact with the Yggdrasil Rift and defeat all the waves of enemies to complete the activity. After defeating all the enemies, interact with the Yggdrasil Rift once more to receive your reward.
And that’s how you find and collect all the God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach collectibles. Check our God of War Ragnarok Wiki Hub for more collectibles guides.
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