Thymesia Lore Locations Guide

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Updated December 6, 2023

Thymesia is a new souls-like game set in the Kingdom of Hermes, in which you play as the character named Corvus, a reborn plague doctor with memory loss. You are guided by Aisemy, one of the two NPCs in the game, which gives you the assignment of discovering the mysteries of Vile Blood and Pure Blood in the kingdom through the lore and story pieces.

So, if you want to complete your lore collection and learn how to save your kingdom, we will show you how to obtain all 22 lore pieces in the video game developed by OverBorder Studio and published by Team17.

Where To Find All Lore Pieces In Thymesia

In your items menu, under the “Story” tab, you might already have a couple of story pieces that contain the following description:

“This item is the product of alchemy. Only those with sufficient understanding can interpret its meaning.”

In the Kingdom of Hermes, there are only two alchemists left who have sufficient understanding to interpret their meanings:

  • Aisemy – the Red Riding Hood girl located in the Philosopher’s Hill &
  • Emerald – the mysterious man, dressed in a brown feather coat with a hood, located in hidden places through all three regions of the Kingdom of Hermes.

Note: Emerald can only be found through the main quest of each region.

thymesia all 22 lore locations aisemy - GameClubz
thymesia all 22 lore items locations whrere to find emerald - GameClubz

Once you obtain a story piece, return it to both of them and show them the item you got. In exchange, they will give a lore piece. For each story piece you acquire, you can receive two lore pieces: one from the Aisemy and one from Emerald.

To make things easier, I recommend you find all the story pieces first, then bring all of them to Emerald, so you don’t have to go through a quest over and over again to reach him. So, to collect all 22 lore pieces in Thymesia, you will need to acquire 11 story pieces that can be found across all regions.

No.Philosopher’s HillSea of TreesRoyal GardenHermes Fortress
1.Transformation Experiment Report 01Odur’s Vile CoreThe Hanged Queen’s Fused CoreVarg’s Pure Core
2.Hermes Answer: Research NotebookTransformation Experiment Report 02Hermes Answer: Formula ResearchUrd’s Pure Core
3.The Giant Puppet’s Vile CoreSound of the Abyss’ Vile Core
4.Odur’s Fused Core

Philosopher’s Hill Lore #1 – Transformation Experiment Report 01

After you complete the Sea of Trees Main Quest by defeating Odur and obtaining Odur’s Core, return to the Philosopher’s Hill and proceed on the path to the right of the locked gate. In the corner of this dead-end, you will find the Transformation Experiment Report 01 on the ground, between bushes. This lore piece becomes available in this place only after you complete the Sea of Trees Main Quest.

Philosopher's Hill Lore #1: Transformation Experiment Report 01

Philosopher’s Hill Lore #2 – Hermes Answer Research Notebook

Once you complete the Royal Garden Main Quest by defeating The Hanged Queen and obtaining the Hanged Queen’s Core, head back to the Philosopher’s Hill and go to the left part of the locked gate.

By the wall, you will find the Hermes Answer Research Notebook. As before, this lore piece becomes available in this place only after you complete the Royal Garden Main Quest.

Philosopher's Hill Lore #2: Hermes Answer Research Notebook

Sea of Trees Lore #1 – Odur’s Vile Core

Odur’s Vile Core can be obtained after defeating Odur at the end of the Sea of Trees Main Quest – Search for the cores.

Sea of Trees Lore #1: Odur's Vile Core

Sea of Trees Lore #2 – Transformation Experiment Report 02

Transformation Experiment Report 02 can be obtained during the Sea of Trees Sub Quest 2 – Find Odur’s Construction Notebook, which becomes available after completing the Sea of Trees Main Quest. After you obtain the Key to Sea of Trees Market and reach the second beacon, proceed through the metal door nearby, cross the wooden bridge, and kill the katana-wielding mini-boss.

Proceed inside the building, go to the left, and keep climbing the stairs, then a ladder, until you reach the attic. You will find the Transformation Experiment Report 02 on a desk.

Sea of Trees Lore #2: Transformation Experiment Report 02

Sea of Trees Lore #3 – The Giant Puppet’s Vile Core

The Giant Puppet’s Vile Core can be obtained after defeating God of the Fools at the end of the Sea of Trees God of the Fools Quest, which becomes available only after completing Sub Quest 1 and Sub Quest 2.

Sea of Trees Lore #3: The Giant Puppet's Vile Core

Sea of Trees Lore #4 – Odur’s Fused Core

Odur’s Fused Core can be obtained after defeating Mutated Odur during the Sea of Trees Mutated Odur Quest, which becomes available only after completing Sub Quest 1, Sub Quest 2, and God of the Fools.

Sea of Trees Lore #4: Odur's Fused Core

Royal Garden Lore #1 – The Hanged Queen’s Fused Core

The Hanged Queen’s Fused Core can be obtained by defeating The Hanged Queen during the Royal Garden Main Quest – Search for the cores. The Royal Garden Main Quest becomes available only after completing the Sea of Trees Main Quest.

Royal Garden Lore #1: The Hanged Queen's Fused Core

Royal Garden Lore #2 – Hermes Answer Formula Research

Hermes Answer Formula Research can be obtained after unlocking the Underground Laboratory during the Royal Garden Sub Quest 1. The Royal Garden Sub Quest 1 becomes available after completing the Royal Garden Main Quest.

Royal Garden Lore #2: Hermes Answer Formula Research

Royal Garden Lore #3 – Sound of the Abyss’ Vile Core

Sound of the Abyss’ Vile Core can be obtained by defeating the Sound of the Abyss boss during the Underground Laboratory Main Quest. Underground Laboratory Main Quest becomes available only after completing the Royal Garden Sub Quest 1.

Royal Garden Lore #3: Sound of the Abyss' Vile Core

Hermes Fortress Lore #1 – Varg’s Pure Core

Varg’s Pure Core can be obtained by defeating Varg during the Hermes Fortress Main Quest – Search for the cores. Hermes Fortress Main Quest becomes available only after completing the Royal Garden Main Quest.

Hermes Fortress Lore #1: Varg's Pure Core

Hermes Fortress Lore #2 – Urd’s Pure Core

Urd’s Pure Core can be obtained by defeating Urd during the Hermes Fortress Sub Quest 1. Hermes Fortress Sub Quest 1 becomes available only after completing the Hermes Fortress Main Quest.

Hermes Fortress Lore #2: Urd's Pure Core

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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