Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Out For The Count Challenges are the trickiest in the video game developed by TT Games because none of them can be unlocked in Story Mode.
This means that for the Lego Star Wars Out For The Count Level Challenges, first, you’ll have to beat the first mission of Episode III Revenge Of The Sith, then you’ll need to replay it in Free Mode.
Furthermore, the Level Challenges in Out For The Count must be unlocked in specific locations, so it’s recommended that you don’t buy rumors for them because you’ll waste 90.000 Studs, and the tips you receive won’t help you too much.
Instead, try following our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Out For The Count Level Challenges guide below, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the task you have to complete.
Let’s start with the list of Level Challenges which includes:
- Beep Boop Backup
- Civil War
- Wet Floor
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Out For The Count Level Challenge #1 – Beep Boop Backup
Out For The Count Beep Boop Backup Level Challenge is the first one we’ll cover, as it is pretty accessible.
For this Challenge, you’ll need to activate the friendly turret droid, but to do this, you’ll need a Villain such as Director Krennic.
Therefore after you complete the mission, restart in Free Play, and in the starting area, you’ll see the door pictured below.

Switch to the Villain character and throw a grenade to destroy the door, and when you enter the next room, you’ll see a droid terminal in the far left corner.
Now, you’ll want to use a Protocol Droid such as C-3PO and interact with the terminal to activate the friendly turret droid nearby.
How To Complete Out For The Count Challenge #2 – Civil War
After unlocking the previous Challenge, you’ll want to focus on the one named Civil War.
Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Civil War Level Challenge is unlocked when you defeat an enemy droid using their own kind.
This is easier than it sounds, but you’ll need 35.000 Studs. If you have the required amount, exit the previous room where you activated the turret, open the characters list, and look for the Villains tab.
Now select the B1 Battle Droid if you unlocked it. If not, buy it for 35.000 Studs.
While playing as the B1 Battle Droid, all you have to do is shoot one of the droids behind the laser beams in the starting area.

How To Complete Out For The Count Challenge #3 – Wet Floor
The third and final Lego Star Wars Out For The Count Level Challenge is Wet Floor which unlocks when you take out the droideka like a true Scoundrel.
From the beginning, you should know that the droideka is a large droid with a shield around it. You’ll encounter this type of droid further in this level, just before reaching Palpatine.
When you get close to it, switch to a Scoundrel such as Lando Calrissian, and aim for the water container on the right side (pictured) below.
When you do this, your Scoundrel will target the water pipes and shoot them instantly taking out the droideka.

Now that you know how to unlock all three Out For The Count Challenges in Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga make sure you claim the Kyber Brick and start the next mission named So Uncivilized.
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