You can obtain the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Bigger Fish Minikits while outmaneuvering two giant underwater creatures who want to snack on you in the first main mission of Episode I.
The Minikits are pretty easy to get if you pay attention to your surroundings.
Also, you can collect all five of them in Story Mode, which means you will only have to play the mission once if you focus on them while also working on the Challenges explained in-depth in this guide.
So if you want to be sure you will not miss any of the collectibles, check the A Bigger Fish Minikits guide below.
Minikit #1: On The Right Side In A Red Bubble
First, it is worth mentioning that the order is a bit random and may be different in your case. But that’s not important because the mechanic is the same for all of the Minikits.
You will want to shoot the big fish as rarely as possible to give enough time for the collectibles to appear, and you should get all five before reaching the second creature.
Now get your eyes wide open and look for all the A Bigger Fish Minikits.
For us, the first one appeared on the right side of the screen, surrounded by a red bubble, as you can see in the following image.

All you have to do is shoot the collectible, but be careful of the creature, as it might get in the way.
Don’t forget the big fish follows you, so go to the other side of the screen to clear the way and target the first A Bigger Fish Minikit.
Minikit #2: On The Right Side Glowing
The second collectible should also appear on the right side of the screen.
This one is glowing, as you can see in the next screenshot.

Get a clear shot to obtain A Bigger Fish Minikit #2.
Minikit #3: On The Left Side Glowing
The following collectible made its way to the left side, also glowing like Minikit #2.

Do whatever it takes to shoot it but try not to hit the creature in the process.
It’s not too bad if you take a couple of shots at the big fish; just be sure not to damage it too much.
Minikit #4: On The Left Side In A Yellow Bubble
Look for the fourth collectible on the left side of the screen.
A yellow bubble surrounds this one.

Pop that bubble to collect the fourth A Bigger Fish Minikit.
Minikit #5: On The Left Side In A Green Bubble
You can find the last collectible in a green bubble on the left side of the screen.

This one actually appeared twice for us, but it disappeared before we got the chance to destroy it the first time.
No harm was done as it reappeared, and if you miss one, it may reappear for you too. Just be patient and don’t damage the creature too much.
Easy right? These are all five A Bigger Fish Minikits in the video game developed by TT Games. You should now focus on those in the next mission, named The Boonta Eve Classic.
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