Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Boarding Party Minikits are collectibles you can obtain in the first mission of Episode IV in the video game developed by TT Games.
There are five Minikits well hidden in each mission of the game. Collecting all five of them will reward you with an extra Kyber Brick at the end of the mission.
On top of that, you can unlock vehicles with the Minikits.
It’s worth mentioning that you can’t obtain all the Minikits in your first run of the mission. You will have to return after you unlock heroes in the Scoundrel and Jedi classes.
If you want to get all Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Boarding Party Minikits, be sure to check the guide below because the collectibles are very hard to find.
Minikit #1: After The Electric Beams
After you encounter Darth Vader at the beginning of the mission, you will have to open a door with the help of Leia and take care of the stormtroopers there.
Now, look up to see that you can use the grapple to reach the floor above through a hole in the ceiling.

Make your way forward, carefully avoiding the electric beams until you reach a winged creature.

You will need to kill it and three others if you want to obtain Minikit #2 (I will tell you where you can find all of them).
You can now drop down through the hole on the left.
Be careful here because you will have to avoid a weak part of the floor that you can fall through as you advance (you can find studs as bait placed on the weak part).

If you fall, I believe you will have to restart the mission in order to get all the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Boarding Party Minikits.
You can now open the door with the help of the console on the left, and you will find another winged creature.

Continue forward with the mission until you reach two stormtroopers that have started a fire by blowing themselves up.
To continue, you will need a Scoundrel character. The first one you will unlock is Han Solo later in Episode IV in the Hunk of Junk mission.
Now use the Scoundrel ability on the target on the ceiling to open a hatch leading up.
Grapple up there with Leia or any Hero character and proceed forward.
Make a right when the pathway allows it to find and kill the third winged creature needed for the second Boarding Party Minikit.

Now get back to Han Solo near the stormtroopers that blew themselves up and find a door with a lever above it.
Right near the window where you saw Darth Vader chasing your troops, you will have to use a Jedi character. The first one you will unlock is Old Ben Kenobi (Tatooine) in Episode IV.
You can now use the force on that lever and open the door.
Proceed forward, dodging all the electric beams and the electric floor, to finally find the Boarding Party Minikit #1.

Minikit #2: Kill The Four Winged Creatures
Make a left from the first Minikit and find the final winged creature.
Kill it, and you’ll automatically get Minikit #2.

Minikit #3: Behind The Door With The Four Switches
For the third Boarding Party Minikit, you will have to return to the fire started by the stormtroopers and put it out with the water cannon you can build there.
Be careful! Build the water cannon, not the laser turret.
Continue with the mission until you reach a room where you will have to build a hologram machine.
If you complete the current objective, you will unlock a door where you can see a brown mount brick.
In the same room with the brown brick, you will find four switches on the floor that you need to push.

Put the brown brick on one of the switches.
You can find another mount in the room with the fire you put out earlier. Take it and place it on another switch.
Now place your two characters on the other two switches, and the door to the Boarding Party Minikit #3 will open.
Minikit #4: On The Dance Floor
Make your way through the mission, and you will reach another door with a lever above it, right before the cutscene, where R2-D2 opens a door.
Swap to the Jedi and use the force to open the door.
Go down the ramp and make a right to enter a disco room.
Kill the stormtroopers and use the force on your troops to make them dance.
This will make some bricks appear on the dance floor, which you can use to build the fourth Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Boarding Party Minikit.

Minikit #5: Behind The Door, In The Mess
You can find the last Minikit at the end of the mission in front of the escape pod.
You will have to open the door by getting near it and destroy all the objects in the mess you find there.

Then you can build Minikit #5 and end the mission.
That’s all! You obtained all five Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Boarding Party Minikits.
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