C-3P-Oh No Level Challenges in Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga require a second run if you wish to complete all of them and claim the bonus, Kyber Brick, in the third mission of Episode IX: Rise Of Skywalker.
Unlike the previous level or mission (They Fly Now), to unlock one of the C-3P-Oh No Challenges, you’ll need a specific class that is not available when you play this mission in Story Mode.
Therefore, it is worth knowing how to unlock these side objectives because even if you buy all three rumors for 90.000 studs, you won’t get too many details from the devs at TT Games.
As such, to help you obtain the Kyber Brick, throughout the following Lego Star Wars C-3P-Oh No guide, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the following Level Challenges:
- Be Rey-ly Quiet
- New Orders
- Right In The Eye
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga C-3P-Oh No Level Challenge #1 – Right In The Eye
Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Right In The Eye Challenge is the first Level Challenge you’ll need to complete during the first run of playthrough if you want.
The Right In The Eye Level Challenge unlocks when you disable a UA-TT’s searchlight with a blaster, preferably without raising the alarm.
So, when you start the mission, you’ll be on the streets of Kijimi, where you’ll have to remain hidden.
Follow the alley ahead, turn left, and eventually, you’ll reach a locked gate where you’ll trigger a small cutscene. During the cutscene, you’ll see some Stormtroopers searching the houses in Kijimi.
Wait for the cutscene to end, then take cover behind the wall nearby because a large UA-TT will scan the alley in front of the locked gate.
While remaining in cover, shoot the UA-TT’s searchlight on its left side while playing as Finn.

Make sure you act fast because the UA-TT will eventually leave the area.
How To Complete C-3P-Oh No Challenge #2 – New Orders
After completing the first C-3P-Oh No Challenge, play the mission without worrying about the rest; because you can’t unlock them yet, since both of the remaining Challenges are connected.
Instead, learn the level’s structure, then restart the same mission but in Free Play. During the second playthrough, make sure that you remain undetected and head to the last section, where you can find the courtyard with many Stormtroopers.
Here, you’ll want to switch to a Villain Character such as Director Krennic; then, you’ll want to reach the terminal on the other side of the plaza (pictured below).

While this may sound impossible, it’s a very accessible task because you’ll need to sneak attack only two enemies. The first one is the Stormtrooper that patrols the alley in front of you as you enter the plaza.
The second one is standing in front of the terminal. Simply attack him from behind, then solve the small terminal puzzle. Obviously, you’ll need to avoid the rest of the enemies and their fields of view.
Now, you should see the Stomremtrooper leaving the courtyard.
How To Complete C-3P-Oh No Challenge #3 – Be Rey-ly Quiet
Be Rey-ly Quiet Lego Star Wars C-3P-Oh No Challenge unlocks automatically if you complete the level without being detected.
This happens if you don’t engage any of the Stormtroopers in a direct conflict and deal with them silently. Furthermore, you’ll have to complete the previous challenge as well.
Last but not least, you’ll have to be aware that this Challenge won’t get marked as completed until you finish the mission.

And that’s it, Jedi! Now you know how to unlock all three Lego Star Wars C-3P-Oh No Level Challenges, so get ready for the next set in The Strength To Do It mission.
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