Completing Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle will get you one of the Kyber Bricks available for the Stalgasin Hive area on Geonosis.
To solve Kyber In The Canyon Kyber Brick Puzzle, you need to have a Scavenger and a Jedi or Dark Side character on your team. You also need the Net Launcher unlocked for the Scavenger.
Kyber In The Canyon Mission involves some climbing, so I hope you don’t have a fear of heights.
Give the following guide a read if you encounter any problems and don’t know how to complete Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle in the video game developed by TT Games.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle Location
The Kyber Brick associated with Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle can be found in the south of the Stalgasin Hive area, high on a cliff relatively close to the landing zone.
However, to get there, you first must go to the middle of the area and start climbing.
On the map below, I have pinpointed the exact location of the puzzle’s starting point and the destination where the Kyber Brick collectible awaits.

I’ll also provide additional instructions and screenshots below if needed.
Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick
Foremost go to the first marked location on the map above and look toward the north.
You should see a couple of targets and bars on the wall here.

To continue, you must switch to a Scavenger character, select his Net Launcher ability, and then shoot two nets on the two targets.
Climb up with the help of the nets and the bars, then look to the right.
You can see other bars you can jump on. But wait, it seems you can’t jump that far to reach the first bar. So look more carefully to find another bar on the ground here.
Switch to a Jedi or Dark Side character and lift the bar with the help of the force to put it in its place, as shown in the next image.

You can now make the jump to the other side, where you first have to clear the area of all the winged enemies.
After that, stick with the Jedi or Dark Side character and do some of that fancy wall running to get on the other side of the gap here (to the east).

As you can see in the screenshot above, you can use the zip line from here to get to your Kyber Brick reward.
Nice moves! We’ll make a professional climber out of you in no time, but for now, you’ll have to settle with completing Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Kyber In The Canyon Puzzle.
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