Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Reap What You Solo Challenges or Level Challenges are more complicated than those in the previous mission (Low Flying Garbage) because in the third mission of Episode VII: The Force Awakens, you’ll have to use two teams instead of one.
So basically, in the Reap What You Solo level of the video game developed by TT Games, you’ll have to switch between 4 characters and two teams to reach the final area of Han Solo’s ship.
The good thing is that all 3 Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Reap What You Solo Level Challenges can be unlocked in Story Mode, and you won’t have to replay the mission unless you miss them.
To avoid this and to save you 90.000 Studs (the cost of three rumors), we’ll go over all 3 Level Challenges in Reap What You Solo mission throughout the following guide, and I’ll tell you how to complete them.
The list of Level Challenges we’ll cover includes:
- Rathtar Ruse
- The High Ground
- Turret Takeover
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Reap What You Solo Challenge #1 – Rathtar Ruse
Reap What You Solo Rathtar Ruse Challenge is the first one you should unlock in this level, and it requires you to defeat the second blocking Rathtar instead of bypassing it.
The second Rathtar appears in a corridor you’ll reach as you progress through this level after escaping the first room.
The said corridor is explored as Rey after getting the anti-rathtar crate to Han. Once Han Solo deals with the first Rathtar, switch to Rey and use the elevator to go up.
Now follow the corridor ahead, and eventually, your path will be blocked by the second Rathtar. Here you’ll want to use Rey’s Breaker Blaster on the panel above the large squid-like creature (pictured below).

When you shoot the panel, some crates will fall, dealing with the second Rathtar.
How To Complete Reap What You Solo Challenge #2 – The High Ground
Once you finish the first challenge, switch back to Han, and focus on The High Ground Challenge, which unlocks when you find a route to the vantage point.
Again, start from the first room where Han uses the anti-rathtar crate. In the corridor that opens after you kill the creature, there is a terminal that BB-8 can unlock (right side as you enter the passage).
Use BB-8 to open the door, then follow the next corridor, which leads to the upper balcony picture below.

This is the vantage point you’ll need to find for the second Level Challenge.
How To Complete Reap What You Solo Challenge #3 – Turret Takeover
The third and final challenge in Reap What You Solo is Turret Takeover which unlocks when you take over the turret from below.
To unlock it, switch back to Rey and jump through the hole left behind by the second Rathtar you killed earlier.
Follow the corridor ahead, and you’ll get to a rather large hangar with several creatures that look like dinosaurs.
Deal with them, then use Finn to destroy the crate nearby (pictured).

From its remains, build a chair Finn can use to command the turret above. Use the weapon to clear the path for Han Solo and unlock the third Reap What You Solo Challenge.
Congrats! You have unlocked all three hidden Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Reap What You Solo Challenges, but now it’s time to focus on the next set available in the Starkiller Queen mission.
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