Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga: All Minikits Locations In The Strength To Do It

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Check out our collection of guides to find all collectibles in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, complete all challenges, and solve all puzzles. All Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides you’ll ever need to get the most out of your journey.

May the Force be with you!

Updated December 12, 2022

Collecting Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga The Strength To Do It Minikits will get you an extra Kyber Brick at the end of the fourth main mission of Episode IX: Rise Of Skywalker.

Obtaining all five The Strength To Do It Minikits will also add a microbuild ship to your inventory, which is nice if you are a collector.

It’s good to know that you can get the five collectibles in your first run of the mission, unlike The Strength To Do It Challenges, for which you have to replay the mission in Free Play.

You can easily miss any of the collectibles if you don’t carefully explore everything, so check the following guide if you are interested in how to obtain all five Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Minikits.

Minikit #1: It Was Like That When I Got Here

The first collectible can be found early in the mission.

After your first fight with Kylo Ren, turn around, and you should see one of those doors that can be cut with a lightsaber to your left.

So, destroy the door with Rey’s lightsaber and proceed through.

You’ll find the first Strength To Do It Minikit at the end of the corridor here.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Minikits Locations Guide

Minikit #2: Hardcore Parkour

Turn back to the mission’s starting point upon obtaining the previous collectible.

Get to the other side of the gap here by running on the wall to the left.

Before continuing to chase Kylo Ren, turn toward the gap to see a ramp on the left side, as shown in the next image.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Minikits Locations

Go up the ramp and proceed through the doorway here.

You’ll soon reach a big room with two levels.

Drop down to the lower level to destroy the creature here. You’ll also need to destroy two other critters like this one to obtain Minikit #3, but we’ll get to that later.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Minikits Guide

To get to The Strength To Do It Minikit #2, you have to perform some parkour moves and reach the platform above by jumping on the pillars here. Then jump to the collectible using the bars on the wall.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Collectibles Locations Guide

Minikit #3: It Lies Below, It’s Gotta Go

For the next collectible, you first have to go back to the ramp you used to get to Minikit #2.

You can spot some debris on the left as you go down the ramp, just like in the following screenshot.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Collectibles Locations

The second creature you need to take care of for the third collectible is right behind the debris.

To find the last creature, you must reach the part of the mission where Rey has to jump on the other side of a gap using some pillars.

First, push the box here into the gap to open a small entry point leading to a room.

Use BB-8 that perfectly fits through the hole in the wall and enter the room to find the last creature right here waiting for you.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Collectibles Guide

Destroy the critter, and you automatically receive the third Strength To Do It Minikit.

Minikit #4: Pocket Explorer

You can obtain the fourth collectible right after the second fight with Kylo Ren.

Just turn around and look to your right to see another small hole in the wall.

Switch to BB-8 to enter the secret room through the hole and collect the next Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Strength To Do It Minikit.

Strength To Do It Minikits Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga

You’re almost done! Only one more to go.

Minikit #5: Sidetracked By Scavenging

The last collectible can be obtained while fighting Kylo Ren for the third time at the end of the mission.

Don’t do too much damage to Kylo until you destroy the three objects that look like this:

All 5 Strength To Do It Minikits Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga

Facing north, you can find two objects to your left and one to the right.

After destroying all three, you should automatically receive The Strength To Do It Minikit #5.

And that’s it! You can finish your business with Kylo Ren and end the mission because you have all the five Strength To Do It Minikits in the video game developed by TT Games. Time to go to Exegol for the Be With Me Minikits and to put an end to the emperor once and for all.

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Check out our collection of guides to find all collectibles in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, complete all challenges, and solve all puzzles. All Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides you’ll ever need to get the most out of your journey.

May the Force be with you!

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Alexandru Popescu
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Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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