Star Wars Jedi Survivor Undercity Meats Essences are Collectibles you can obtain while trying to escape the hostile area on Coruscant and find out what happened with your remaining crew.
There are two Essences you must find, one increasing the maximum health and the other increasing the maximum Force.
Also, the Collectibles are required if you want to achieve 100% completion on the Coruscant planet.
However, it’s important to know that only one Essence Collectible can be obtained while first visiting the Undercity Meats area; for the second, you’ll have to return after unlocking the Electro Dart, which can be done while completing the main story in the Fogged Expanse region.
So, if you are struggling to get the two Essences Collectibles in the Undercity Meats area, don’t hesitate to check the SW Jedi Survivor guide below.
Coruscant Undercity Meats Essences Locations Map
As you can see on the following map, the Essences are located close to each other and can be obtained right after getting the Undercity Meats Treasure.

Note that there is a Meditation Point in the area, and we’ll start our search for the two Collectibles from it.
Essence #1 (Health Essence): In Front Of Some Pipes
The first Essence you can obtain in the Undercity Meats area of Star Wars Jedi Survivor is found by first going to the wall with the grappling point, close enough to the Meditation Point.
Climb the wall by pressing the /
button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller, then go through the corridor to the left.
Move forward on the corridor and take the first right to reach a big yellow door.
To open the door, you need to use an Electro Dart (provided you have already unlocked it and returned to this location) on the blue sparking cylinder.
Look up while facing the big yellow door to spot the blue sparking cylinder in the right corner of the room.
Once you get the door opened, surprise, surprise, you’ll be attacked by a Frenzied Jotaz legendary enemy, which will put up quite the fight.
We’re sure you’ll eventually come out of the battle victorious, and then you can enter the newly opened room to find the first Undercity Meats Essence Collectible in front of some pipes.

Essence #2 (Force Essence): In A Small Lighted Area
For the second Collectible, you have to exit the room from where you got the Health Essence and go through the smaller door to the right, which can be opened by BD-1.
Then you’ll find yourself in a dark room where you must find the second Essence in a smaller lighted area on the left side.
To see in dark places, you can use your lightsaber as a flashlight by holding /

Interact with the Collectible, and you’re done; you’ve obtained both Star Wars Jedi Survivor Undercity Meats Essences. But you can now move on to the next area and grab the Freight Handling Depot Essence or refer to our Wiki Hub here for other collectibles and puzzles.
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