Forspoken Cipalian Way Monument To Love Location

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

Updated December 9, 2023

Cipalian Way Monument To Love is a Forspoken landmark that, on completion, will reward you with the stat increase of Healing Effects +15, meaning that your healing items will have even more effect. Clearing this landmark is also mandatory if you want to reach 100% completion of the Cipalian Way area.

There is a catch, though, because to reach the Monument in question, you’ll need a Spell that you unlock when you finish the main story of the video game published by Square Enix. The Monument is located on top of a tall rock on the south side of the Junoon region at the border with Avoalet, as you can see on the following map.

Forspoken Cipalian Way Monument To Love Location

More precisely, you’ll have to go to the southeastern corner of the Forspoken Cipalian Way area.

How To Reach Cipalian Way Monument To Love in Forspoken

The first thing you need to worry about if you want to climb the tall rock at the location marked above and reach the said Monument is to unlock the Skip ability. This can only be done by completing Forspoken’s main story and defeating the final boss.

To use the Skip spell, you have to press the L3 and R3 buttons on your PlayStation controller at the same time. Doing so will allow you to basically fly and be immune to all damage. Now, if you are prepared, let’s see exactly how to reach the Forspoken Cipalian Way Monument To Love. First, position yourself in front of the northeastern corner of the tall rock with the Monument, as shown on the next zoomed-in map.

Forspoken Cipalian Way Monument To Love Where To Find

Note that the map above is upside down, so the south is actually the north. Once in the right spot, look up to see where you have to go using the Skip skill. Aim for the lower part of the tall rock, which we’ve marked in the next image.

Forspoken How To Reach Cipalian Way Monument To Love

All you have to do now is press L3 + R3 to activate the Skip spell and make your way to the top of the small plateau. The Skip ability can be hard to maneuver, but after a couple of tries, you’ll surely master it. If you hit the plateau wall, spam the circle button, also on PlayStation, to cover the rest of the distance. Now, all that remains to do is to smash the rocks around the pillar and then interact with it to get your reward.

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Alexandru Popescu
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Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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