Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump is the first mission of Episode IX: Rise Of Skywalker, in the video game developed by TT Games, and it includes 3 Level Challenges that are pretty accessible.
Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump Challenges do not require a second playthrough of the mission, which means you can unlock all of them in Story Mode.
Obviously, you can buy rumors to receive tips on the three A Skip And A Jump Level Challenges; however, assuming you wish to save 90.000 Studs, throughout the guide below, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the tasks you have to complete.
The objective of the guide is to bring you an extra Kyber Brick, awarded for successfully finishing the following Challenges:
- Lock Off
- Here Comes The Boom!
- Poe-Etic Flying
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump Challenge #1 – Lock Off
The first Lego Star Wars A Skip And A Jump Challenge you’ll need to complete is Lock Off, which requires you to avoid being locked on 3 times in a row.
This Challenge is similar to many other Level Challenges we have completed so far, and all you need to do if you wish to unlock it is to press LB/RB (on Xbox) when the lock on prompt marked below appears on your screen.

Make sure you do this three times before destroying the 10 TIE Fighters.
How To Complete A Skip And A Jump Challenge #2 – Here Comes The Boom
Here Comes The Boom Level Challenge can also be completed when you start the mission, again before finishing the main objective.
While racing through the tunnel, you’ll need to take out 3 enemies with Proton Torpedoes or Rockets.
To unlock the challenge, make sure to wait for your ship to lock on the enemies (red crosshair circle fills), then press X on Xbox to launch a torpedo.
If you run out of torpedoes by any chance, you can get more by defeating the TIE Fighters with your blasters.

How To Complete A Skip And A Jump Challenge #3 – Poe-Etic Flying
The third A Skip And A Jump Level Challenge is named Poe-Etic Flying, and it unlocks when you activate the Hyperdrive in time for all light-speed jumps.
The light-speed jumps occur during the second part of the mission and are QTEs (quick time events) you’ll have to complete by pressing A on Xbox before the time runs.
Again, if you miss one of them (there is a total of 4), you’ll miss the Challenge, thus being forced to restart the mission.
All you need to do is press or tap A when the button appears on your screen.

That’s it, pilot! You have escaped the First Order, and you also completed all Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump Level Challenges, so now it’s time to get those in the next mission named They Fly Now!
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