You can obtain Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Destroying Starkiller Minikits in both phases of the final mission in Episode VII: The Force Awakens.
Two of the collectibles are available in the first phase of the mission while piloting an X-Wing as Poe Dameron, and the other three while you chase Kylo Ren on foot with Rey and Finn.
Same thing if you want to complete the three Destroying Starkiller Challenges, one can be completed in the first phase with your ship, and the other two on foot in the second phase.
The collectibles can be easily missed if you ignore your surroundings, so check the Destroying Starkiller Minikits guide below to get all five without any problems.
Minikit #1: Top Gun
You first have to reach the trench run for the first collectible, which starts right after attacking the thermal oscillator and weakening its defenses.
Here you have to destroy ten turrets like the one in the following image.

The turrets are located on the trench’s walls. There are plenty of turrets, so don’t worry too much if you miss one or two.
After you destroy the tenth turret, you automatically obtain the first Destroying Starkiller Minikit.
Minikits #2: Trench Fun
Keep your eyes wide open at the end of the trench run for the second collectible right before you reach the opening in the thermal oscillator.
Fly low, and you should see Destroying Starkiller Minikit #2 in front of you at some point.
The collectible is glowing, so it’s hard to miss.

Minikits #3: Stacked It
The next Minikit requires you to be in Free Play because you need a Jedi or Dark Side character on the part of the mission where you are chasing Kylo Ren.
More precisely, after fighting Kylo Ren the second time, when he runs away from you and orders some stormtroopers to do his dirty work.
First, take care of the stormtroopers, and you’ll trigger a short cutscene with a TIE-Fighter crashing and creating a ramp for you to follow Kylo Ren.
But first, go to the east side of this small area, and you should find some crates between the trees with the next Destroying Starkiller Minikit above them floating in the air.
Rearrange the boxes using the force of a Jedi or Dark Side character so that you can reach the collectible. Just like in the next screenshot.

Minikit #4: Not-So-Hidden Package
After collecting Minikit #3, go up the ramp created by the TIE-Fighter and continue going forward.
You’ll soon reach a crossroad where you have to take the path to the right.
Run for a few meters and look to your left to spot Destroying Starkiller Minikit #4 in the middle of some rocks (like in the following image). There is also a barricade here as another point of reference.

Jump to the collectible and grab it fast so you can continue.
Minikit #5: Cracked It
Upon obtaining Minikit #4, go a few meters ahead and turn to the right. Here you can find the last collectible in a small cave with the entrance blocked.

The cave is behind a destructible tree, so look carefully.
To reveal the last Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Destroying Starkiller Minikit, switch to Rey and use her Breaker Blaster to make an opening in the small cave.

You can now grab the collectible to make it five out of five Destroying Starkiller Minikits in the video game developed by TT Games.
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