Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hoth And Cold Minikits are the first collectibles you can obtain in Episode V.
The mission takes place in a small open area, where you have to find Luke, who’s gone missing somewhere in the harsh weather outside the rebel’s base.
The Minikits can prove tricky to get, but you can do it in style by riding a Tauntaun through the open area.
And as always, I will be here providing tips and screenshots to help you get all five Hoth And Cold Minikits.
Where To Find All Hoth And Cold Minikits In Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga
I have marked with squares the locations for four of the Minikits on the map below. And using circles, I have marked the sites of five snowmen shaped like Star Wars characters that you will need to find and destroy for the fifth Minikit.

As you can see on the map above, you can stick to the edges of the map while you explore, and I suggest you go clockwise, starting from Hoth And Cold Minikit #1.
Keep your Tauntaun close so that you can travel faster to each location.
Minikit #1: From The Pieces Of The Structure To The West
Go to the location of the first Minikit to find three rotatable satellite dishes and an antenna with a button that shoots a laser if pushed.
Align the satellite dish on the west side towards the one to the east, and align the latter towards the one on the south side (in the back).
Now point the south side satellite dish to the structure to the west, which looks like this:

Now push the button on the laser antenna to start a chain reaction that will destroy the structure to the west.
With the remaining pieces, you can build and obtain Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hoth And Cold Minikit #1.
Minikit #2: Attached To A Probe Droid
The second Minikit, also marked on the map above, is attached to a probe droid moving around the hill there.

Chase it down and shoot at it so that it will drop the collectible.
Now you can easily take the Hoth And Cold Minikit #2 from the ground.
Minikit #3: Shoot The Pile Of Ice
You can now use the map above to go to the location of the third Minikit.
Here you will find a broken vehicle that you can activate by pulling the lever near it.
You should now be able to ride the vehicle and shoot at the pile of ice to the north.

Go and use the remaining pieces from the block of ice to build Hoth And Cold Minikit #3.
Minikit #4: In The Locked Chest
Once you get to the fourth’s Minikit location, you will see it being locked away in a chest.
By the way, one of the three signal towers is here as a point of reference.
After you retrieve the power cell from the probe droid, be sure to attach it to the chest instead of the tower.

Doing so will get you Hoth And Cold Minikit #4.
Minikit #5: Destroy The Five Snowmen
The fifth Minikit is a little trickier to obtain than the others because you have to destroy five snowmen shaped like Star Wars characters scattered all over the mission’s area.

But if you use the map above, you will easily find the snowmen because their location is marked with yellow circles, as I mentioned earlier.
It is also worth mentioning that they are near the three signal towers, and I found them just doing the mission’s objective.
Destroying the last snowman gives you Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hoth And Cold Minikit #5.
Now all that is left to do is to find Luke and finish the mission because you obtained all five Hoth And Cold Minikits in the video game developed by TT Games.
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