Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Imperial Cache Puzzle is similar to the previous one we solved in the Jundland Wastes area, named Mombay M’bwa.
That is because both Puzzles require you to figure out how to get inside a locked cave. Not the same cave, though. Unfortunately, the developers at TT Games didn’t make things that easy this time.
If you want to complete the Imperial Cache Kyber Brick Puzzle is mandatory that you have a Protocol Droid character like C-3PO.
As for the rest of the details on how to solve the Imperial Cache Puzzle, I’ll share them with you throughout the following guide.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Imperial Cache Puzzle Location
Check the map below for the location of the Kyber Brick collectible associated with the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Imperial Cache Puzzle.

As you can see, you have to go southeast from the landing zone and look for a locked cavern.
Track the collectible to find it easier by opening your map and holding the X button (Xbox) on the corresponding Kyber Brick icon. If you can’t see the collectible on your map, don’t forget to change floors with LT/RT (also on Xbox) until it appears, as shown on my map above.
Thinking about how to unlock the cavern, you might want to buy the Puzzle’s rumor, receiving this piece of information:
Seems Jabba locked up some loot in a cave behind his palace, guarded by a lone protocol droid. If you could hijack that droid, the stash would be as good as mine… I mean, yours!
Imperial Cache Kyber Brick Puzzle Rumor
So, let me tell you how to hijack that droid.
Imperial Cache Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick
First, you must destroy the rock left of the cave’s door, and you’ll reveal a Protocol Droid console.

Switch to a Protocol Droid character and interact with the console to gain control of another droid inside the cave.
Here you’ll spot the Kyber Brick reward for Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Imperial Cache Puzzle locked in a chest surrounded by three red buttons.

Ignore the collectible for now and turn toward the door, where you can spot another two red buttons under some boulders.

Destroy the boulders and Break Apart the droid by pressing the B button on Xbox.
Now put one body part on the red button left from the door and the other part on the button to the right.
Doing so opens the door for your team to get inside.
Break Apart with your own Protocol Droid character and put your two body parts on two of the red buttons surrounding the Kyber Brick chest.
Then switch to your other character and put him on the remaining button, as shown in the next screenshot.

The chest opens, and you can get your reward from it, also completing the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Imperial Cache Puzzle. Nicely done, friend!
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