Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Pillar Palaver is a Puzzle that can be solved in the Jundland Wastes area on Tatooine, just like Imperial Cache, the previous one we covered.
The Pillar Palaver mission doesn’t require a specific character class for completion. However, I suggest you have a Scavenger character if you want an extra tip on how to solve the Puzzle.
Pillar Palaver Kyber Brick Puzzle can still prove tricky, even with the extra tip, so you might need our help with this one.
Therefore, you should consult the guide below if you want to complete the Pillar Palaver Puzzle in no time and get one of the Kyber Bricks available for the Jundland Wastes area in the video game developed by TT Games.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Pillar Palaver Puzzle Location
Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Pillar Palaver Puzzle can be completed inside a cave from the Tusken Raiders camp on the southwest part of the Jundland Wastes area.
The following map will help you locate the cave I’m talking about.

The cave’s entrance which is on the south side of the Tusken Raiders camp looks like this:

So get inside so I can explain how to solve the Pillar Palaver Puzzle.
Pillar Palaver Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick
Once inside the cave, you’ll notice a paddle surrounded by arrows. The whole thing looks like a sort of clock.
And on the left of the clock, you can see a cracked wall.

Switch to a Scavenger character and select the Breaker Blaster to shoot at the cracked wall.
The wall goes down, and a droid comes out.
The droid will give you the extra tip I talked about earlier to thank you for the big rescue:
Notice how one of those arrows lights up every time you move the paddle past it? You need to turn it back and forth to light up all the arrows… but don’t turn it past a row of arrows that’s already fully lit, or you’ll have to start over!
The tip is very useful, but if you still can’t complete the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Pillar Palaver Puzzle or just don’t want to waste time, continue reading.
Grab the paddle and check the next screenshot, which will help me explain everything.

As you can see, I have put a number on each row of arrows. You first have to move the paddle clockwise from row 1 to row 5.
From there, go to row 3, counterclockwise. Then clockwise to row 7, after that a short ride counterclockwise to row 6, and finish up going to row 1 clockwise.
I know, kind of tangled. But if you concentrate and do it right, the Kyber Brick collectible should appear.

And that’s it, tomb raider! You have solved Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Pillar Palaver Puzzle.
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