Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga: How To Complete All Challenges In Never Tell Me The Odds

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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May the Force be with you!

Updated May 21, 2023

If escaping the Empire’s ships doesn’t seem hard enough for you, crank it up a notch and also complete all three Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges.

You will be piloting the legendary Millennium Falcon in this mission of Episode V.

Still, the odds are against you because you are fighting many TIE Fighters and a couple of Star Destroyers.

Don’t worry! The mission itself is not really that difficult; however, the Challenges are a little tricky, but I’m sure you will succeed with all of them.

So let’s see how to complete all three Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges following the guide below.

How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenge #1

You will have to destroy five TIE Fighters using proton torpedoes for your first Challenge.

So, after you complete the first mission objective, another Star Destroyer will appear.

Now you have to defeat regular-sized ships because some of them will drop some proton torpedoes.

And using the torpedoes, you have to defeat more regular-sized ships.

As you can see in the image below, plenty of ships are flying around, so you will not run out of them.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges Guide

Destroy enough ships with the torpedoes, and you will complete the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenge: Proton Power.

How To Complete Never Tell Me The Odds Challenge #2

The second Challenge will require you to complete the Star Destroyer encounter without being destroyed.

This means that you will have to use the proton torpedoes to shoot the marked targets on the Star Destroyers this time.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges

You will want to get this done as fast as possible so you don’t get blasted.

However, you will have to take a lot of damage for that to happen because the Millennium Falcon is pretty potent.

Also, try to shoot everything from afar so you don’t crash.

Once you complete the mission’s current objective without being destroyed, you will receive confirmation that you have completed the Never Tell Me The Odds Challenge: Take Evasive Action!

How To Complete Never Tell Me The Odds Challenge #3

The third and last Challenge is the hardest because you have to avoid contact with the asteroids during the asteroid chase.

Any sort of contact you make with an asteroid, and you will have to restart the mission.

There aren’t many tips I can give you here except maybe, to be careful when using your boost. The asteroids are easier to dodge if you move slower.

And also, try not to get out of the established route because you will be automatically redirected, and you might get into a bad situation.

So be sure to follow the mission waypoint, without crashing, of course.

All 3 Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges

It took me a couple of tries, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t do it on the first attempt.

Eventually, you will make the perfect run, and you will complete the Asteroid Evasion Challenge in the video game developed by TT Games.

Nice flying! You have completed all three Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Never Tell Me The Odds Challenges.

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Check out our collection of guides to find all collectibles in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, complete all challenges, and solve all puzzles. All Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides you’ll ever need to get the most out of your journey.

May the Force be with you!

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Alexandru Popescu
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Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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