You can complete the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hibernation Station Challenges while trying to catch up with the bounty hunter and save Han Solo in this mission of Episode V.
If Han only knew that you are trying to complete some Challenges instead of focusing on saving him.
But all kidding aside, you can easily complete the Challenges in your first run of the mission if you know what you have to do.
So if you don’t want to waste any time, check the Hibernation Station Challenges guide below.
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Hibernation Station Challenge #1
First, let me pinpoint on the map below where you have to go to complete each of the three Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hibernation Station Challenges.

As you can see, I have marked three places on the map with yellow squares that have numbers next to them.
The yellow square with “1” next to it corresponds to Challenge #1, the one with a “2” corresponds to Challenge #2, and the one with a “3” corresponds to Challenge #3.
Now let’s focus on the first Challenge, where you will have to build a distraction for the stormtroopers.
To do this, go to the location corresponding to Challenge #1.
Here you will have to find two boxes that look like this:

Break them into pieces and use what remains to build a Dejarik Board like in the following image.

As you see the stormtroopers coming to play with the board, you will complete the Hibernation Station Challenge: You want to make that move?
How To Complete Hibernation Station Challenge #2
You will have to discover and loot an Empire weapon cache as a disguised rebel for the second Challenge.
So first, defeat some stormtroopers and disguise Leia as one of them.
Now go to the location corresponding to Challenge #2 to find the cache on the left of the corridor near a window just after you get the barrier down.

You should be able to open the weapon cache with Leia if she is in disguise and complete the Hibernation Station Challenge: Hello, What Have We Here?
How To Complete Hibernation Station Challenge #3
The last Challenge will require you to trigger the secret defenses on the landing pad.
To do that, you will have to go to the location corresponding to Challenge #3, at the end of the mission, where you have to defend Chewie while he repairs the Millennium Falcon.
Here you will have to ride one of those brown bricks with legs to a switch, just like in the next screenshot.

Doing so should raise a turret, and you should complete the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Hibernation Station Challenge: Surprise!
Good job, I guess. But what about Han? Hey, at least you completed all three Hibernation Station Challenges in the video game developed by TT Games.
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