Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Now This Is Podracing Challenges must be completed during the Battle of Naboo while working on weakening the defenses of the Droid Control Ship.
Now This is Podrtacing is the fifth and final mission in Episode I: The Phantom Menace of the video game developed by TT Games, and it is a fast-paced one, so you’ll have to be quite quick if you want to get an extra Kyber Brick for finishing all Level Challenges.
Before starting, it is worth knowing that all three Now This Is Podracing Level Challenges can be unlocked in Story Mode, meaning that you don’t have to enter Free Play.
Last but not least, here are the hidden challenges in the Now This Is Podracing mission:
- Prodigy
- Spinning…That’s A Good Trick!
- Yippeee!
Now, let’s see how to complete them without buying any rumors, alongside the Minikits explained in-depth here.
How To Complete Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Now This Is Podracing Challenge #1 – Prodigy
The first Now This Is Podracing Challenge you’ll need to focus on is Prodigy, which is also the trickiest one in this mission.
Your objective for this challenge is to shoot 3 Vulture droids in 5 seconds.
While this may seem a challenging task, it is pretty accessible because the Vulture droids are extremely easy to destroy since Anakin’s ship is quite powerful.
When the mission starts, look for the Vulture droids or the enemy ships that fly around the Droid Control Ship. You can see one of them pictured below.

Now, try shooting 3 of them in quick succession but remember that you can also use Proton Torpedos to take them out.
A single torpedo can instantly destroy a Vulture, so use your ship’s blasters for the remaining two.
How To Complete Now This Is Podracing Challenge #2 – Spinning…That’s A Good Trick
After you finish the previous Challenge or while working on it, you should also consider the second one named Spinning…That’s A Good Trick!
For this Level Challenge, you have to perform three spins in the Naboo Starfighter to escape enemy lock-ons.
This is once again easier than it sounds, mainly because this challenge is similar to one of the challenges you completed in the first mission of the episode, named A Bigger Fish.
So, the idea here is to wait for the enemy units (turrets or Vultures) to target Anakin’s ship. When this happens, you’ll see a lock-on pointer on your screen (pictured below).

When this pointer appears, press one of the required buttons to perform a spin (RB/LB on Xbox). Make sure that you do this three times and when the lock-on is close to your ship.
How To Complete Now This Is Podracing Challenge #3 – Yippeee
The third and final This Is Podracing Challenge is also the most accessible because you’ll need to destroy the Droid Control Ship without being defeated.
In other words, you’ll need to avoid Anakin’s ship getting destroyed. Since you know how to avoid lock-ons and because the enemies are pretty accessible, all you need to worry about is the Droid Control Ship you’ll have to avoid while flying.
Or, simply put, don’t crash into it.
As you can see below, you won’t know that you unlocked this Challenge until the end of the mission; however, if you crash into the Droid Control Ship or the enemies destroy Anakin’s Starfighter, consider restarting the whole mission.

Congrats, young Padawan! You have completed every Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Now This Is Podracing Challenge, so now let’s start Episode II: Attack Of The Clones and see how to unlock the rest.
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