Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Science And Nature Puzzle is harder to find than the previous one we solved in the Resistance Base area, named Engine Problems.
So you can easily miss one of the Kyber Bricks available for this area of D’Qar if you don’t pay attention while exploring.
The Science And Nature Kyber Brick Puzzle from the video game developed by TT Games also requires a Jedi or Dark Side character.
Therefore you might need our help to find out how to solve the Science And Nature Puzzle, and we will offer it to you through the following guide.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Science And Nature Puzzle Location
First, you need to know where to find the Science And Nature Puzzle and the associated Kyber Brick, so check the map below to see the starting point.

You can also spend 30.000 Studs on the puzzle rumor, but that won’t really help you because you only get this information:
We’ve been hearing what sounds like First Order probe droids out in the woods… But everyone’s scared to go check in case they see us. BUT… we need to destroy them so they don’t find us! A real head-scratcher.
Science And Nature Kyber Brick Puzzle Rumor
I suggest you save the Studs and go to the location I marked on the map above.
Here you seem to have reached a dead end. Don’t worry! I’ll tell you how to continue and how to complete the Science And Nature Puzzle.
Science And Nature Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick
Turn toward the southwest and look for a big brown wall, like in the next screenshot.

Now switch to a character that wields a lightsaber to cut a hole in the middle of the wall.
Proceed through the hole and destroy everything standing in your way, like droids and breakable bushes.
You can continue only through a tunnel to the west at some point.
Upon exiting the tunnel on its other side, you can see a big fire.

Destroy every breakable object around the fire and use the remaining pieces to build a Water Cannon or a Fan.

Doing so, you put out the fire and find the Kyber Brick you are after.

Get the collectible and complete the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Science And Nature Puzzle.
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