Lost Ark Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seeds are collectibles you can find on the Rethramis continent, like the nine seeds obtainable in the town of Prideholme.
Following the main quest, Demons in the Cave, the video game developed by Smilegate, grants you access to the Toxiclaw Cavern dungeon, the hideout of those pesky grave robbers disturbing everyone. Teach them a lesson, and make sure you collect all six Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seeds following the guide below.
Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Map
The dungeon is a little dark, and if you don’t know where to look, you might miss these collectibles. Don’t worry because the Toxiclaw Cavern Map below pinpoints all seed locations, and if that is not enough, you have additional screenshots and tips to help you in your search.
It is also worth mentioning that you have some arrows on the map that show sections of the dungeon you can’t get back to. Make sure you have picked up every Mokoko Seed in that area before continuing; otherwise, you will have to restart the dungeon.

Mokoko Seed #1 – Near a Crashed Cart
The first collectible is at the start of the dungeon. Go past the first two map arrows and jump from the second cliff. On the left, you’ll see a crashed cart, and next to it, the seed.

Mokoko Seed #2 – Near the Large Rocks
Continue up the corridor for the second Mokoko Seed. You’ll reach a crossroads, make a right, and immediately on the south side of the road near the large rocks is the collectible.

Mokoko Seed #3 – In Front of Some Rocks
Upon collecting the last seed, turn your attention to the north of the road, and you can see the third seed in front of some rocks with a tree behind them.

Mokoko Seed #4 – Near a Dying Fire
For the fourth Toxiclaw Cavern Seed, go to the last arrow on the map and go up the stairs. Go forward, and you will find a dying fire; between it and the wooden rack is the collectible.

Mokoko Seed #5 – By the Paintings
You can find another seed in the north through the corridor from your last location. Immediately, when the road allows it, make a left turn, and in the corner by the paintings, you’ll find your fifth seed.

Mokoko Seed #6 – Near a Wooden Platform
The last Mokoko Seed location can be found further in the dungeon, reaching and breaching a barricade. Walk a couple of meters further until, on the left, at the base of the wooden platform, you’ll find the last collectible.

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