The One Piece Odyssey “Sniper Genius” Sniper Killer Bounty Hunt is just as tricky as Garuda Pirate Gardar, the previous one we covered in Chapter 2.
The reward for taking down Captain Sniper Killer is 30,000 Berries, so you should do it because, well… we all like money.
However, the Captain won’t go down without a fight, that is, if you find him in the first place.
Therefore, throughout the following One Piece Odyssey “Sniper Genius” Sniper Killer Bounty Hunt guide, we’ll explain how to find the sharp shooter leader of the unusual Bull’s Eye Pirates.
Where To Find Sniper Killer
Before tracking down the sharp shooter, you must accept the bounty from a bulletin board.
The closest bulletin board to your target is the one in Sandy Oasis, the camp in the Great Sandy Desert area.

The camp can be found on the north side of the area. You’ll also reach it by following the main story objectives.
After accepting the Sniper Killer Bounty Hunt, you can read its description to learn that the location of the sharp shooter is in a desert cave somewhere in the Great Sandy Desert.
The problem is that if you open your map, you’ll not be able to see the wanted sign.
That is because you first must enter the said cave, which is located on the northern edge of the area, as shown on the following map.

As you can also see on our map, the red exclamation mark will also guide you to the cave, provided you continue following the main story objectives.
Once in the cave, you can open your map to finally see the wanted sign that shows you the exact location of the One Piece Odyssey Sniper Killer Bounty Hunt.
To reach the place, you have to drop down to the lower level, and here, the sharp shooter and his buddies wait.

Go take care of them really quickly so you can grab your reward.
The fight itself shouldn’t be that hard if your characters’ level is around 21 and they have some items equipped.
Good job, pirate! You’ve dealt with the sharpshooter and completed the One Piece Odyssey “Sniper Genius” Sniper Killer Bounty Hunt. You should now check our Wiki Hub here for more guides, walkthroughs, tips, and tricks for the video game published by Namco Bandai.
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