Star Wars Jedi Survivor Chamber Of Connection Puzzle Guide

Welcome to GameClubz’s Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hub page, which contains links to all Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guides that will help you reach 100% in one of the most expected video games of 2023. Set five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor continues Cal Kestis’ adventure and fight against the hostile Galactic Empire forces.

While exploring various planets, including Koboh, Bogano, Kashyyk, and Ilum, you’ll be able to face new enemies, discover new skills for Cal, and solve multiple challenges inside the Jedi Chamber Trials. Alongside the challenges you must overcome, you’ll also get the chance to look for a large number of collectibles and complete various quests for the NPCs, seeking Cal’s help.

All these will help the beloved Jedi become stronger and prepare for the upcoming battles against Gen’Dai Rayvis and the unknown Fallen Jedi. Don’t worry, though, because our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Strategy Guides are here to help you, regardless of whether you are a Jedi Knight or a Padawan. May the force be with you!

Updated December 5, 2023

The Chamber of Connection in Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a Meditation Chamber that offers a refreshing break from the game’s lightsaber battles by delivering a challenging puzzle.

To complete the Chamber of Connection Puzzle, you’ll only need BD-1’s Koboh Grinder, which can be unlocked during Koboh – Research Tanalorr main objective in the Devasted Settlement region.

Also, the Chamber of Connection is one of the seven Jedi Chambers that you need to complete if you want to unlock the Essences Locations Display Map Upgrade and reveal all the Essences collectibles across all planets.

Without further ado, let’s see how to complete the Chamber of Connection and where to find all its collectibles along the way in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Where To Find The Chamber Of Connection Puzzle On Koboh

The entrance to the Chamber of Connection can be found in the Viscid Bog region of the Koboh Plane.

You may come across the Chamber of Connection during Koboh – Search for Compass main objective, as some of the action happens in the Viscid Bog, which makes it an excellent opportunity to complete it.

SW Jedi Survivor Chamber Of Connection Puzzle Location

To reach it, fast-travel to Viscid Bog Meditation Point and take down the zipline ahead. Halfway through the ride, transfer onto the second zipline.

At the end of it, perform a Double Jump and a mid-air Dash toward the rocky structure, then go through the swampy area until you can use the Ascension Cable on the grappling point on the white-painted edge.

Finally, follow the path up to a giant golden block which is the entrance to the Chamber of Connection in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

How To Solve Chamber Of Connection Puzzle

After you go down the elevator and enter the Chamber of Connection, check the wall on the left side for a Databank collectible – Homesick in the form of an Echo. It’s a little bit masked by the bright white light.

On the opposite side of the entrance is a pressure plate. Step on it to open the doors in front of you and pick up the Orb behind them by holding - GameClubz/- GameClubz, then put the Orb into the Orb Amplifier in the middle of the room.

Place the orb in the Orb Amplifier.

Enter BD-1 Visor by pressing - GameClubz/- GameClubzDown, and from the wall where the laser beam hits, keep spraying Koboh matter by holding - GameClubz/- GameClubz to the clump of Koboh matter on the left side. Check the image below for a visual reference.

The trick is that you can spray with BD-1 as much Koboh matter as you want, which means you can keep holding - GameClubz/- GameClubz on your controller without worrying about running out.

Create a trail of Koboh matter from the laser beam to the clump of matter on the left.

After clearing the first clump of Koboh matter, keep going alongside the same wall to remove the second one.

Behind the second clump of Koboh matter, you’ll find the only collectible Chest containing an Emitter – Persistence.

Destroy the second clumb of Koboh matter.

Now, go through the doorway where you cleared the first clump of Koboh matter and climb the wall immediately on the right by performing Jedi Flips.

At the top, you’ll find the only Treasure collectible – Datadisc in Chamber of Connection.

From the nearby ledge, jump across the Orb Amplifier on the platform with the two pressure plates. Stepping on these pressure plates will move the golden panels and connect them.

So, for the next part of the puzzle, we will want to connect the flame from the laser beam by spraying Koboh matter all the way to the clump of matter in the far left corner of the room.

We’ve marked the pathing in the image below. Don’t take your finger off the spraying button during the following activity once you’ve pressed it.

Create a trail of Koboh Matter from the laser beam alongside back wall as shown in the image.

While standing on the pressure plate on the left side, start spraying Koboh matter from the laser beam until you go over the first two golden panels.

Then, step off the pressure plate and continue spraying to the right until you cover the third golden panel.

Now, step on the second pressure plate and continue the line until you reach the clump of Koboh matter and dissolve it. You can rest your finger now. You’re good!

Once you’ve cleared it, go through and walk on the metal bar across the gap, then perform Jedi Flip on the wall and climb the ledge.

Climb up the two short sets of stairs to find the third Databank collectible – Insolence, or Bravery at the end of the path.

After picking up the collectible, jump on the platform on the right with the Orb Coupler and open the nearby golden gate by pressing - GameClubz.

The golden door unlocked a path back to the Orb Amplifier below. Follow this path back to Orb Amplifier.

For the final section of the Chamber of Connection puzzle, we will have to spray a lot of Koboh matter to connect the laser beam with the last clump of Koboh matter.

From the laser beam, start spraying Koboh matter all the way to the Orb Coupler using the path you’ve just unlocked by opening the golden door.

Spray Koboh matter from the laser beam to the Orb Coupler.

Then, quickly grab the Orb from the Amplifier below while standing on the platform and place it into the nearby Coupler to form a bridge.

Immediately open the BD-1 Visor and continue the line of Koboh matter across the newly formed bridge, go up the stairs, and connect it with the clump on the left side.

You’ll have a few seconds to move the Orb before the flame goes out. Even then, you can try again from the laser beam.

Extend the line of Koboh matter across the new bridge.

After clearing the clump, enter the final room where you will find the Essence collectible – Recuperation Perk in the middle and the last Databank collectible – Private Doubts in the far left corner.

Congratulations on conquering the Chamber of Connection tricky puzzle in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. If you are up for more challenges, make sure to check our Wiki Hub Page here.

Welcome to GameClubz’s Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hub page, which contains links to all Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guides that will help you reach 100% in one of the most expected video games of 2023. Set five years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor continues Cal Kestis’ adventure and fight against the hostile Galactic Empire forces.

While exploring various planets, including Koboh, Bogano, Kashyyk, and Ilum, you’ll be able to face new enemies, discover new skills for Cal, and solve multiple challenges inside the Jedi Chamber Trials. Alongside the challenges you must overcome, you’ll also get the chance to look for a large number of collectibles and complete various quests for the NPCs, seeking Cal’s help.

All these will help the beloved Jedi become stronger and prepare for the upcoming battles against Gen’Dai Rayvis and the unknown Fallen Jedi. Don’t worry, though, because our Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Strategy Guides are here to help you, regardless of whether you are a Jedi Knight or a Padawan. May the force be with you!

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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