Star Wars Jedi Survivor Hunter’s Quarry Seed Pods are collectibles you can obtain while exploring the medium-sized area on planet Koboh and then use to make the cantina garden a prettier place.
The six Seed Pods in Hunter’s Quarry are also mandatory if you are aiming for 100% completion in the area.
However, as you probably know, the Seed Pods are easy to miss if you don’t have a keen eye, and in this case, three of them are also placed in a hard-to-reach area.
So, it might not be a bad idea to check our following SW Jedi Survivor Hunter’s Quarry Seed Pods locations guide and find the collectibles as simple as a walk in the park.
Koboh Hunter’s Quarry Seed Pods Locations Map
To start, you need to know where to look, and if you don’t have the Seed Pods Locations Display Map Upgrade, make sure to check the map below where we’ve marked the locations of the six collectibles.

Furthermore, we’ll provide additional instructions to help you reach each Seed Pod in Hunter’s Quarry following the same order as the one on the previous map.
Seed Pod #1 (Nabooan Green Pine Fern): In The Open
First, head to Rambler’s Reach Outpost Meditation Point, and after facing the settlement, turn left to spot a wall covered with vines you must climb.
After you get up, head toward the yellow structure in the mountain and stop at the first location pinpointed on our map.
Look in the open for a yellow flower plant with fireflies flying around it, as shown in the next image.
Then, slash the plant to grab the first Seed Pod in Hunter’s Quarry.
Remember the process for the other SW Jedi Survivor Seed Pods; it’s simple, find plants surrounded by fireflies and slash them.

Seed Pods #2&3 (Cactus Balls): Near A Grate
Now follow the road toward the huge entrance into the mountain, next to the building with the yellow crane.
As you run forward, keep an eye on the right side of the road for a grate on the ground behind a big rock.
The next two collectibles are left of the grate, just like in the screenshot below.

Seed Pod #4 (Pine Fern): Near The Head Of A Huge Skeleton
For the fourth Star Wars Jedi Survivor Hunter’s Quarry Seed Pod, you must return to Rambler’s Reach Outpost saving point, then enter the settlement and head behind Doma’s shop, which should have an icon on your holomap.
Once at the spot, look up for a wall covered with vines left of an orange slope.
Now grapple to the wall and climb it, then head to the edge of the cliff near the big Relter bird.
To the right, up in the air, you should spot a floating machine, and to continue, you’ll need the Upgraded Ascension Cable, which is unlocked late in the main story.
When you’re all set, approach the flying machine, hold /
(PlayStation/Xbox) to grapple to it, then aim to where you want to jump and release the button.
Now jump from one floating machine to another to reach the cliff with the huge skeleton (the one on the left side).
After you get on the cliff, make your way to the head of the huge skeleton, and you’ll find the fourth collectible next to it.

Seed Pods #5&6 (Pine Ferns): Between A Skeleton And The Edge Of A Cliff
Now follow the skeleton to its tail, if you will, but remain on the same side to find the last two collectibles between the bones and the edge of the cliff.

Nicely done, our Jedi friend! All six Star Wars Jedi Survivor Hunter’s Quarry Seed Pods are now yours, but if you’re up for more and need assistance, don’t forget to visit our Wiki Hub Page here.
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