Star Wars Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch Seed Pods are collectibles you can find while exploring the medium-sized area near Southern Reach, and all of them are required if you want to achieve 100% completion on planet Koboh.
The seeds can then be planted in the garden on the roof of Pyloon’s Saloon in Rambler’s Reach Outpost.
However, you unlock the garden only after meeting Pili Walde on planet Jedha.
It’s good to know that you can obtain the Seed Pods in Riverbed Watch early in the game because you won’t need any special skills or upgrades.
But you still must know where to look, and if you haven’t unlocked the Seed Pods Locations Display Map Upgrade, you can have a hard time finding the collectibles.
Therefore, throughout the guide below, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions to help you quickly obtain all four SW Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch Seed Pods.
Koboh Riverbed Watch Seed Pods Locations Map
First, it would be best to look over our following map of the Riverbed Watch area because, on it, we’ve pinpointed the exact locations of the Seed Pods.

Now let’s see precisely how to get the four collectibles in the same order as the one on the previous map.
Seed Pods #1,2&3 (Spine Fluff): By The River
For the first three Seed Pods in the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch area, you must start from Rambler’s Reach Outpost Meditation Point.
Then, facing the settlement, head to the right to reach a dam and the river. Now follow the river to the Riverbed Watch area.
As soon as you enter the area, pay attention to the river’s banks to spot the collectibles. Look for fireflies flying around plants.
As you can see in the next image, there are two Seed Pods on the left side and one on the right.
Now, you have to slash the plants the fireflies are flying around to get credit for the collectibles.

Seed Pod #4 (Dathomirian Red Tuber Maw): Next To A Huge Green And Orange Structure
Upon obtaining the previous three collectibles, look to the right to spot a huge green and orange structure in the distance.
Head to the structure to find the fourth Seed Pod on the right side next to it, as shown in the following screenshot.

You’re done here, Jedi! All four Star Wars Jedi Survivor Riverbed Watch Seed Pods are yours, and you can focus on the collectibles in other areas, like the Hunter’s Quarry Chests, or check our Wiki Hub Page here for more helpful guides.
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