One of the areas you get to explore on the planet Koboh is Southern Reach, and here you can find three Databank collectibles.
The Star Wars Jedi Survivor Southern Reach Databanks are necessary to achieve 100% completion in the area and learn some lore in the process.
Note that two of the collectibles are available right when you reach the said area, and for the third, you have to progress with the story a little further.
As such, if you want to learn where to find all SW Jedi Survivor Databanks in the Southern Reach area, don’t hesitate to follow our guide below.
Koboh Southern Reach Databank Locations Map
First, make sure to look over the following map of Southern Reach, where we’ve marked the locations of the Databanks.

Furthermore, we’ll provide additional instructions and screenshots to help you even further in finding the collectibles.
Databank #1 (Amphibian Blues): Across A Gap
Once you enter the SW Jedi Survivor Southern Reach area, interact with the Meditation Point to save your progress and start heading toward the first Databank marked on our map.
So, go forward from the saving point, head down the slope, and once you reach the camp with the greenish roof, go to the right hugging the mountain wall.
Just before you get to the waterfall, look to your left to see a wall covered in vines which you must climb.
Once up, get to the other side of the gap using the two bars coming out of the mountain wall, then turn right to see the entrance into a cave.
You must first clear the way using your lightsaber, then proceed to get to another gap.
Jump on the other side of the gap using the bar to reach the first Southern Reach Databank.

If you get to this place before finding Greez, you’ll not be able to see the collectible.
Therefore, first, locate your old friend, then continue with the story until you can fast travel and return to this area.
Databank #2 (Besotted): Between Two Small Trees
For the second Databank in the Southern Reach area, you must continue from the previous collectible and go through the opening with the puddles.
Then, position yourself close to the edge so you can grab the rope to the lower right using the Force (hold the /
button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller).
Using the rope, jump to the far high ground and head forward, hugging the wall to the right.
You should soon find Star Wars Jedi Survivor Southern Reach Databank #2 between two small trees in front of the mountain wall.
Also, a little further by the mountain as well, you can find the Southern Reach Essence.

Databank #3 (Unusual Silo): Next To A Bunch Of Pipes
Upon obtaining collectible #2, turn around and go toward the edge to see the roof of a green structure on the left side.
Make your way to the lower part of the roof and jump on it, then go forward until you reach the ground without dropping all the way down and dying in the process.
Once on the ground, turn left to see an opening with a bunch of pipes in the green structure.
Head in front of the opening and scan it to get credit for the Databank.

Now that you’re done with the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Southern Reach Databanks, you can look for other collectibles, like the seven Treasures in the same area, or head to our Wiki Hub here for further assistance.
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