Donna Rain is an NPC you can stumble on while exploring New Atlantis, a large city you will get to at the beginning of your Starfield adventure.
Upon speaking with the NPC, you can start an Activity Mission, which will require you to Deliver a TerraBrew Cappuccino to Donna Rain.
The task doesn’t seem that hard, but that is only if you know where you can find a TerraBrew coffee shop.
Of course, you also need to know where you can find Donna Rain in the first place and start the said Activity.
As such, throughout the following walkthrough, I will provide all the instructions you need to start and complete Donna Rain’s Activity Mission.
Starfield Donna Rain’s Location
To start the said Activity, you must first progress with the man story until you reach the city of New Atlantis.
When you are all set, you must make your way to the Mast District, preferably using a NAT train.
No matter what method you choose, head to the NAT station when you get to the Mast District and look for a woman with a broom in her hands, as shown in the image below.

Now, approach the sweeping woman and ask her how she is doing.
After a little small talk, you will get the option to choose the following line: No offense, but you look a little bit tired.
If you pick this line, Donna will tell you that she loves her job, but it is pretty hard work, and she could use a TerraCino from TerraBrew.
This is an easy task that you should gladly accept to help out a woman in need.
To continue, I will provide step-by-step instructions to aid you in finding a TerraBrew coffee shop.
Where To Find TerraBrew Cappuccino for Donna Rain in New Atlantis
To get to a TerraBrew coffee house fast, take the NAT near Donna Rain and go to the Commercial District.
As soon as you get off the train, you must slightly turn to the left, and you should see the TerraBrew sign in the distance under the Valberg building, just like in the next screenshot.

Thus, head there and order a TerraBrew Cappucino from either the employee or one of the tablets.
As you are about to see, a Cappucino costs 75 credits, and you can even buy one for yourself because it restores health, and you might need it in the future.

It’s worth mentioning that you can also find a TerraBrew coffee shop in the Spaceport area of New Atlantis.
Good, now return to Donna, who is in the same spot you left her, and give her the TerraCino.
Donna really appreciates what you did and thanks you, then hands you an item she found while cleaning.
It’s not too bad because you can sell the item to make a quick buck.
Well done, friend! You’ve energized Donna Rain and completed this Starfield Activity Mission. But if you are looking for another mission available in New Atlantis, head to GalBank and start Due in Full.
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