Starfield Superfan is a miscellaneous mission available in the city of Neon on the planet Volii Alpha, where you must recover a music slate that was stolen from BorealUS.
BorealUS is a DJ music star and DJ in Neon City who can be found performing in the Astral Lounge of the Trade Tower.
Unfortunately, one of her music slates was stolen, and she has no idea who might be the culprit.
So, If you’re trying to bring the music slate back to BorealUS in the Starfield Superfan mission, here’s what you need to do.
How To Start the Superfan Side Mission in Starfield
In order to begin the Superfan mission in Starfield, you must speak with BorealUS, located in the Astral Lounge of the Trade Tower building.
As you exit the Spaceport Terminal elevator, make your way to the far right of Neon City until you reach the Trade Tower building.
Head up the pink-lighted stairs to the Astral Lounge and enter through the door ahead.

Walk towards the circle ring dance, where three people are dancing in alien costumes, and look for the VIP Elevator to your left.
Take the elevator to the VIP Balcony and follow the corridor to your right to enter the “Staff Only” area.
After you go through the door, you’ll find BorealUS playing music at her DJ booth, as shown in the image below.

When you approach BorealUS for the first time, she’ll think that you’re a fan asking for an autograph or a picture.
After you let her know that you don’t want an autograph and comfort her a little bit, she’ll reveal to you that her music slate was stolen by God knows who.
Select the “I could help you find your slate.” dialogue option to agree to help her and initiate the Starfield Superfan mission.
How To Recover the Music Slate in Superfan Mission
Upon accepting her request, she will point you to Myka, who works as a bartender at Euphorika.
To reach her, exit the Trade Tower, pass the Gilbank and Terrabrew Coffee shop, and enter the red door to the Ebbside district of Neon City.
And right in front of you, it should be the Euphorika bar. Head inside and speak with Myka cleaning the countertop.

During the conversation with Myka, she will invite you to experience Aurora, a local drug, in her Members’ Lounge. If you want to do so, you’ll have to pay 5,000 Credits to buy yourself a membership.
I suggest passing on it for now, as you can return and do it later. After that, you’ll be given the following dialogue option: “I’m looking for information on a stolen slate, belonging to BorealUS.“
After you select the above dialogue option, she will tell you that obtaining this information comes at a cost of 1,500 Credits.

There is no way to persuade her to divulge the information for free, so you’ll have to pay the 1,500 Credits.
Then, you’ll learn that the thief you’re looking for goes by the name of Stratos and can be found at Madame Sauvage’s Place.
The fastest way to reach Madame Sauvage’s Place is to fast-travel to the Spaceport Terminal elevator in Neon City. Behind the elevator, you’ll find a door leading to Ebbside district.
As soon as you enter, you’ll spot the entrance to Madame Sauvage’s Place. Stratos, the thief who stole the music slate, is located near the bar.

During the conversation with Stratos, he will express his love for BorealUS and her music.
But he enjoys her music the most while he’s high on Aurora, the drug offered by Myka at the Euphorika bar. Unfortunately, he ran out.
When you ask him for BorealUS’s music slate, he refuses to give it, claiming he deserves it as her biggest fan. Then, you’ll be given two dialogue options to choose from:
- [Give Aurora] I’ll trade you Aurora for it. You said yourself the music isn’t the same without it.
- [Persuade] There’s got to be a way to convince you.

The first dialogue option allows you to take advantage of his drug addiction and give him Aurora in exchange for the music slate.
If you don’t have any Aurora in your inventory, you have two options:
- Join the Euphorika Members’ Lounge for 5,000 credits and purchase Aurora from one of the vendors inside. The price for a vial of Aurora is between 700-800 Credits.
- Complete the Loose Ends, Fishy Business, and Supply Line missions to learn the Aurora Recipe and make it yourself.
But the second dialogue option allows you to convince Stratos to hand over the slate without spending any more credits or time.
To do so, you’ll have to persuade Stratos by earning 8 Persuasion Points in three turns. This can be quite challenging if you don’t have any Skill Points in the Persuasion Skill.

If you fail to persuade him, you’ll be forced to bring him Aurora, as mentioned above.
A helpful trick for guaranteed success is to quicksave the game before persuading him, allowing you to retry the persuasion scenario as many times as you want.
During my persuasion scenario, choosing dialogue options that showed compassion and empathy ensured a successful persuasion outcome. See the list below for examples:
- As a superfan, you should do what’s best for BorealUS.
- BorealUS will be grateful to you if you return it.
- BorealUS needs the slate to make music. By keeping it, you’re depriving the galaxy of new art.
After you receive the Music Slate, make your way back to BorealUS at the DJ booth in the Astral Lounge and return it to her. As a reward for your efforts, you’ll receive 3,300 Credits and 100 XP.
Congratulations on completing the Superfan mission in the action video game developed by Bethesda. If you are on a hunt to complete more missions, consider visiting our Starfield Wiki Hub Page for dozens of helpful guides.
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