Starfield Where Hope Is Built is the third mission for the Freestar Collective faction, where you are tasked to investigate the mercenaries who were trying to intimidate the Montara Luna farmers in the Deputized mission.
So, your first assignment as a Freestar Ranger Deputy is to learn why the First mercenary company is threatening the farmers.
Unfortunately, your best and only lead is the ship the mercs on Montara Luna were using, which was stolen from the HopeTech factory on Polvo.
In the following Starfield guide, we will provide step-by-step instructions on completing the Where Hope is Built faction mission.
How To Complete the Starfield Where Hope Is Built Mission
Once you finish the Deputized faction mission, head back to The Rock in Akila City to meet again with Marshal Daniel Blake.
Give him the “Job’s Done!” slate to discuss more about the mercenaries who were trying to intimidate the farmers on Montara Luna.

Afterward, the Marshal will suggest meeting Nia Kalu, the Freestar Ranger stationed on Polvo, who can introduce you to Ron Hope, the president of HopeTech.
Ron Hope may have some valuable information on the theft that occurred in his factory.
How To Repair Nia Kalu’s Ship in Where Hope Is Built Faction Mission
To reach Polvo, follow the objective in your Missions menu, hold the “Set Course” button, and then hold the “Jump” button.
Once you reach the planet Valo, you’ll receive a distress call from Freestar Ranger Nia Kalu. Get within 500m of Nia Kalu’s Ship and dock her ship. To do that, make sure to target lock first.

Board her ship, take down the ladder one floor, and you’ll find the wounded Ranger Nia lying in the cockpit.
After you introduce yourself to Nia, she will ask you to patch the ship up to get it to Hopetown, and the rest will be fixed there
To repair Nia Kalu’s Ship, you must proceed to the three mission markers and interact with the following:
- Thruster Control Relays (Floor Level 3)
- Navigation Computer Assembly (Floor Level 2)
- Landing Gear Control Circuits (Floor Level 1)
You will find one marker on each of the three levels of the ship. When all repairs are completed, have a conversation with Nia Kalu, and she will give you details about the outlaws who attacked her.
How To Destroy the Outlwas Ships
Nia Kalu will inform you that the outlaw ships are moving towards Miatha, the moon of Polvo in the Valo system.
Set course to Miatha, take down all the outlaw ships and collect the loot from the wreckage.

After successfully eliminating the outlaws, set course to HopeTown on Polvo.
Starfield Ron Hope Dialogue Choices
Once you have arrived in HopeTown, head inside the HopeTech factory to find and speak with Nia Kalu.
Following the conversation, Nia will escort you to the upper floor, where you can meet Ron Hope, the president of the HopeTech factory.
Wait for him to finish the conversation with Birgit McDougall, then ask Mr. Hope about HopeTech and the lost ship to gather more information.

While it’s possible to upset Ron Hope by disregarding his position in the Council of Governors, it’s important to note that dialogue options don’t actually impact the overall story.
Additionally, certain companions may appreciate it if you confront Ron about his elitist attitude towards Freestar.
During the end of the conversation, Cosette, an employee of HopeTech, will interrupt to report that the stolen ship was spotted landing at Neon after the theft.
Lastly, speak with Nia outside Mr. Hope’s office, and she’ll recommend meeting Ranger Jaylen Price during your visit to Neon.
Congratulations! You have finished the Where Hope is Built mission and unlocked the next faction mission from the Freestar Collective, Shadows in Neon.
Also, consider visiting our Starfield Wiki Hub Page if you wish to join all factions and learn more about their story.
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