Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump Minikits can be obtained while you’re in control of the Millennium Falcon for the first main mission of Episode IX: Rise Of Skywalker.
So yet another flying mission aboard the legendary ship in the video game developed by TT Games.
You can get all five A Skip And A Jump Minikits in Story Mode, just like the three Challenges, if you’re up to it.
Check the following guide to find out how to get the A Skip And A Jump Minikits which can easily be missed if you don’t pay attention to your surroundings.
Minikit #1: Crane And Gain
First, it’s worth mentioning that the Minikits may appear in a different order than they did for me.
Once you start the mission, be sure you always stick to the path on the right at every crossroad you encounter.
After flying for a little while, you should see the first A Skip And A Jump Minikit hanging from a crane in the middle.
It’s hard to miss, as you can see in the following image.

Shoot at the crane to get the collectible.
Minikit #2: It’s Mine Now
After collecting the first Minikit, pay attention to the wall on the right.
You can see the second collectible in the rock coming out of the wall.
Check the next screenshot so you know what to look for.

Shoot at the rock to obtain A Skip And A Jump Minikit #2.
Minikit #3: Steam On!
Maintain your attention on the wall on the right.
And you should spot the next collectible near some pipes, as you can see in the image below.

Shoot at the third A Skip And A Jump Minikit to add it to your inventory.
Hang in there! Only two more to go.
Minikit #4: Dealing With Dodgy Droids
Keep your eyes open because a dodgy droid should appear on your screen at some point.
It carries the next A Skip And A Jump Minikit.
The droid looks like this:

Shoot at it to get the collectible.
Minikit #5: TIE In Disguise
Just like the droid from Minikit #4, you’ll see a glowing TIE Fighter at some point entering your line of sight.
And, of course, it’s glowing because it holds the last A Skip And A Jump Minikit.

Shoot at the TIE Fighter to get the last collectible.
Nice going, pilot! You are now the proud possessor of the five Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga A Skip And A Jump Minikits. Add more to your collection, like the ones in the next mission, They Fly Now.
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