Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle is far more complicated than the other ones in the Gungan City area, including the previous one we solved, named The Mostest Safest Place.
The high degree of difficulty is due to the fact that you have to do tasks in four different locations in Gungan City to complete the Big Bubble Bounty Kyber Brick Puzzle.
You also require three different types of characters for the puzzle. More precisely, a Scavenger, an Asotromech Droid, and a Jedi or Dark Side.
It’s not all that bad because I’ll offer you instructions throughout the following guide on how to solve the Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle in the video game developed by TT Games.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle Location
To complete the Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle, you must first know where to find it.
As you can see on the following map, the Kyber Brick reward for the puzzle is found in the middle bubble room of the upper level in Gungan City.

However, you can’t get inside because of a barrier, and all that you can find out from the rumor of this puzzle is:
Mesa can’t figure dis out! Do wesa need a droid to opens da big bubble? Den why dare no droids in Otoh Gunga! Oieboie! ‘Tis a head scratchin.
Big Bubble Bounty Kyber Brick Puzzle Rumor
Not much of a help, except maybe that a droid is necessary.
Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick
The secret to lowering the barrier for the middle room is to interact with four Astromech Droid consoles scattered on the upper level of Gungan City.
The four locations I have marked with squares on the map above will be very helpful in locating these consoles.
So to get things started, head to the first location on the map, the bubble room in the northeast.
You should be able to see the first Astromech Droid console as you get closer to the room entrance.

Select an Astromech Droid and interact with the console.
Now go to the second marked location on the map above, the bubble room on the east part.
Upon entering the room here, you’ll find a Gungan blocking your access to the Astromech Droid console.

As you can see on the screenshot above, you can switch to a Jedi or Dark Side character and use Mind Tricks on the Gungan to move him out of the way.
Then switch back to an Astromech Droid and interact with the console.
Hang in there! Two more consoles to go for the Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle.
Things get complicated for the next one, and you’ll see why after going to the third location marked on the map above.
No console here, but don’t worry. This is just the starting point.
Use the ladder from inside the bubble room here and switch to a Scavenger character once you reach the top.
Select the Scavenger’s Glider ability and fly to the top of the east bubble room, as shown in the next image.

Drop down to the room through the hole in the ceiling and switch to an Astromech Droid to interact with the console.
After that, take the keycard you can find near the console and put it in the socket near the door to get out of the room.
You can probably almost feel the Kyber Brick reward for the Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle.
So go to the fourth location marked on the map above, the next bubble room to the north of the previous one.
To enter this room, you have to switch to a Jedi or Dark Side character and position yourself so you can see the lever near the door, as shown in the following screenshot.

Now use the force to pull the lever and open the door to the room.
Switch back to an Astromech Droid one more time to access the console in the room.
Doing so will lower the barrier from the door leading to the middle bubble room, so you can go and collect your prize.

Fantastic job! You solved the Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Big Bubble Bounty Puzzle and added one of the Kyber Bricks available in the Gungan City area to your inventory.
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