Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga: How To Solve The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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May the Force be with you!

Updated December 12, 2022

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle is a little easier than the previous one we have covered in the Gungan City area, named Gunning In Gunga.

The only tricky part this time is finding two hidden objects.

You don’t even need a specific class for The Mostest Safest Place Kyber Brick Puzzle in the video game developed by TT Games.

Check the following guide if you are unsure how to solve The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle and obtain one of the Kyber Bricks in the Gungan City area.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Location

On the following map, I have pinpointed the Kyber Brick’s location and also two other necessary objects for completing The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Location Map

So head to the southwest of the lower level in Gungan City, and you’ll find the Kyber Brick in question locked in a chest from the bubble room here.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga How To Solve The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle

Assuming you want a tip on how to open the chest, you can buy a rumor for The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle to receive the following details:

Looks like that’s gonna require a little extra juice before it’ll open. If you’re lucky, you might find a power cell with some life left in it somewhere nearby.

The Mostest Safest Place Kyber Brick Puzzle Rumor

Now let’s continue, and I’ll explain exactly how to complete The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle.

The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Solution – How To Get The Kyber Brick

The Rumor is a little misleading because if you look carefully near the chest containing the Kyber Brick, you can spot two power cell sockets, not one.

I have marked the locations of the two power cells on the map above. As you can see, both power cells are close to the Kyber Brick.

Head to the first one, which you should find behind the wall of an arch. You should see a pink arrow above the power cell when you get close to it.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Guide

Pick the power cell up and go back to the Kyber Brick. Here, insert the power cell in one of the two sockets.

Now make your way to the second power cell, a few meters to the left upon exiting the Kyber Brick bubble room.

Look for the pink arrow again, and you should find the power cell behind some boxes.

Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Solution

Smash the boxes and pick up the second power cell. Then put it in the second socket in the Kyber Brick bubble room.

Doing so should open the chest, allowing you to get the collectible.

The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga

Good stuff! You completed Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga: The Mostest Safest Place Puzzle.

Welcome to our Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Wiki hub, which covers everything you need to know about the latest video game developed by Traveller’s Tales for PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Check out our collection of guides to find all collectibles in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, complete all challenges, and solve all puzzles. All Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga guides you’ll ever need to get the most out of your journey.

May the Force be with you!

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Alexandru Popescu
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Alexandru Popescu

Alexandru is a Senior Editor at GameClubz and a fan of role-playing video games and first-person shooters. He's a Destiny 2 champion and a Lost Ark player. He enjoys long walks and playing board games with his friends when he's not busy covering the latest role-playing games. At GameClubz, he is responsible for most collectibles guides, including our customized maps. Make sure you follow him on social media and drop him a message whenever you get the chance.

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