Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Chrome Dome Down Minikits can be obtained while you face Captain Phasma in a battle of epic proportions for the fourth main mission of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi in the video game developed by TT Games.
The captain is not alone. She has an army with her, so it seems that the odds are against you again.
Nevertheless, I have faith you’ll pull it through and even take the time to get all five Chrome Dome Down Minikits and maybe complete the Challenges while you are at it.
In the following Chrome Dome Down Minikits guide, I’ll explain how to obtain all five collectibles necessary for an extra Kyber Brick.
Minikit #1: Through Fire And Flames
The boss fight is split into three phases that take place in three different map areas.
After doing serious damage to Phasma, the action will move to the west part of the map, where you can ignore the captain for now.
Here you have to go to the southwest corner and look up toward the west to spot an elevator.
If you select a Hero character, you can grapple to the elevator and pull it down.

Now use the elevator to go all the way up, where you find the first Chrome Dome Down Minikit.

Minikit #2: Golden Opportunity
You can also find the second collectible on this part of the map, so keep ignoring Phasma.
Head toward the captain and look for the golden container on the left side of the area, behind a burning TIE fighter.

Switch to a Bounty Hunter character and shoot at the golden container until you destroy it to find a pleasant surprise, Chrome Dome Down Minikit #2.

Pick up the collectible so you can continue with the next ones.
Minikit #3: Loose Kits Sink Ships
Upon collecting the previous Minikit, turn around and go up the stairs to get on the platform near the burning TIE fighter.
Destroy the droid here and two others for Minikit #4. I’ll tell you where to find the other two later.

Go ahead and inflict more damage on Phasma, after which you’ll move to the east part of the map.
Now avoid the captain again because you have some goodies here.
Go to the northeast corner of this area and face toward the south, where you should see a ladder leading to a platform.
You can find and collect the next Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Chrome Dome Down Minikit on the platform.

Minikit #4: Three Strikes And You’re Out
Get back down using the ladder from where you obtained Minikit #3 and look toward the west, behind the platform with Captain Phasma, to spot the second droid needed for the fourth Chrome Dome Down Minikit.

Shoot at the droid and go to the other side of the platform from where you got the previous Minikit.
You can find a ladder on this side too. Use it to get on the platform, where you find the third droid.

Shoot at it, and Chrome Dome Down Minikit #4 appears in the place of the droid.

Minikit #5: Pile Of Junk
Throw everything you got at Phasma to enter the last phase of the mission, where you control an AT-ST.
Make your way forward and destroy the TIE fighter standing in your way, making one of its wings a bridge to cross on the other side.
Turn right here, and just in front, under a platform, you can find a junk pile with the last Chrome Dome Down Minikit in it.

Destroy the junk pile to grab the last collectible. Now make a run for it and end the mission because all the five Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga Chrome Dome Down Minikits are in your possession. Now get ready for the final mission of Episode VIII, Ground A-Salt, with another five Minikits waiting for you.
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