Little Nightmares 2 Hat Locations Guide

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

Updated December 3, 2023

Little Nightmares 2 Hats, along with the Glitching Remains, count as collectibles, and if you’re wondering where to find all Hats in Little Nightmares II, you’re in the right spot because I am going to tell you just that. So, the guide below includes all Little Nightmares 2 Hats locations that will help you unlock the Far Ahead trophy/achievement.

Before we start, though, it’s worth mentioning that out of 12 Hats in Little Nightmares 2, one is unlocked automatically when you start the game, and two are part of the DLC. I’ll cover those as well, just in case you need them. Great, so let’s start with some basics.

How To Change Hats in Little Nightmares 2

You can change Mono’s Hats from the menu. Once you pause the game, go to the Hats section and pick the Hat you want to see on Mono’s head. You can see all of them below.

Little Nightmares 2 Hats Locations

Additionally, you can track how many Hats are in each chapter by returning to the Main Menu and then by accessing the Chapter Select. On the right side, you’ll be able to see the number of Hats you have found as well as the number of Glitching Remains. As said, some Hats are free, but some must be found.

Free Hats

The first free hat, or the hat you’ll unlock automatically, is the Paper Bag Hat, or the one Mono wears at the beginning of the game. You don’t have to do anything to get this one.

The second Little Nightmares II free hat is the Mokujin Hat, obtained by pre-ordering the game. Again, this one unlocks automatically. The third free hat is the Cowboy Hat, which becomes available after you beat the game or after you complete the fifth chapter.

Besides these three, however, there is a fourth hat included in The Nomes Attic DLC, but this one comes with a puzzle, and we will discuss it below. This brings us to a total of 8 hats that must be actually located in the game. So, let’s start with Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 Hats

Chapter 1, or The Wilderness, includes 2 Hats (for the base game) and three if you have The Nomes Attic DLC. The first one is the Fur Hat or the Racoon Hat if you want. You may want to find these while also getting the Chapter 1 Glitching Remains.

Fur Hat

To get this one, you’ll first have to get inside the first house, and then when you exit the kitchen, go down the hallway (as in towards you), then turn left.

The hat, as you can see below, is on a carpet on the ground.

Little Nightmares 2 Chapter 1 Hats Locations

The next Hat is the Nome Hat; however, this one is not available in the base game, as it is a DLC bonus.

Nome Hat

After you get the key in the attic, if you have the DLC, you’ll see a Nome that spawns. To get the hat, you’ll need to follow the said Nome, who will end up in a suitcase. Approach the suitcase, and then the Nome will jump inside a box.

Hit the box with the shoe, and then the funny fellow will jump into a drawer. Open the drawer, and then he’ll go under the armchair. To make him get out, jump several times on the armchair. Next, he’ll go through a hole in the wall, and here, you’ll have to solve a puzzle. Without ruining it for you, once you finish the puzzle, you’ll get the Nome Hat below.

little nightmares ii chapter 1 hats locations - GameClubz

Rain Hat

The third and final Hat in Little Nightmares 2 Chapter 1 is the Rain Hat. It is found after your first encounter with the Hunter. Eventually, you’ll reach a bridge, and after you cross it, the Hat will be in a cage above you, as you can see in my screenshot.

Little Nightmares II Chapter 1 Hat Collectibles Locations

To collect it, you’ll have to climb on the said cage and then jump several times. When the cage drops, this Little Nightmares II collectible is yours.

Chapter 2 Hats

Moving to Chapter 2, named The School, you’ll have to find only 2 Hats: the Football Hat and the Metal Hat.

Football Hat

The first one is more of a mask, not a hat, and you’ll find it outside the School in the playground. It is on the dumpster next to the entrance (pictured).

Little Nightmares 2 Chapter 2 Hats Locations

Metal Bucket Hat

After you enter the School, you’ll eventually reach the Library. This happens after the second encounter with the Teacher. While inside the library, look around to spot a ladder. Push it to the right (as you can see below) and then climb it to find this collectible.

Little Nightmares II Chapter 2 Hats Locations

Chapter 3 Hats

After you complete Chapter 2, you’ll reach The Hospital, and again, in this chapter, there are only 2 Hats that must be found: the Bear Hat and the Mummy Hat.

Bear Hat

This Hat can be found in the nursery, next to the room where you’ll find an X-ray machine. In the screenshot below, you can see that it’s on top of a bookshelf, and you can reach it simply by climbing the said bookshelf.

Little Nightmares 2 Chapter 3 Hats Locations

Mummy Hat

Next, we have the Mummy Hat (my favorite), which is found in the Morgue. When you get to the said room, go around the central area and open the container pictured below to find it.

Little Nightmares II Chapter 3 Hats Locations

Chapter 4 Hats

Finally, when you reach The Pale City or Chapter 4, you will have to find two last hats: the Postman Hat and the Baker Boy Hat. Both of them can be easily missed.

Postman Hat

This Hat is probably the trickiest in the video game. It is found in the mailroom but inside a hidden tunnel. You can see the said tunnel in the screenshot below. Simply walk inside and collect the hat.

Little Nightmares 2 Chapter 4 Hats Locations

Baker Boy Hat

Last but not least, we have the Baker Boy Hat, which is found in the Toy Store. To get it, you’ll have to reach the top of a shelf. You can do this by pushing the shopping cart (right side of the room) all the way to the left. Jump on it and look for the Hat on the upper left-side shelf.

Little Nightmares II Chapter 4 Hats Locations

The final Hat available in the video game developed by Tarsier Studios is the Cowboy Hat, which is obtained by completing the game and finishing Chapter 5.

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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