Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seeds are Lost Ark collectibles you can find in this small area; after those, you gather in the Toxiclaw Cavern dungeon. Once you save Prideholme from the demons’ invasion, the main quest takes you to Ankumo Mountain.
Here, the video game developed by Smilegate throws all sorts of quests at you and 5 Mokoko Seeds. Therefore, throughout the guide below, I’ll tell you where to find and how to collect all Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seeds.
Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seeds Map
The Mokoko Seed collectibles are well hidden on the map, and some of them are impossible to see if you don’t hover your mouse over them. Of course, you have to know where they are to do so.
To help you with your search, you can use the Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seed locations map below, which shows all of them. Furthermore, for each Mokoko Seed, we provide additional tips and screenshots you can use to pinpoint the exact location.

Mokoko Seed #1 –Behind One of the Ruin Walls
After entering Ankumo Mountain, you will start your chase for the first collectible. Follow the road until you reach the Old Cathedral Ruins area. Before the ruins entrance, make a right and go past the trees. You will see one of the ruins’ walls near some small rocks. Behind it, near the rocks, you will find your first seed.

Mokoko Seed #2 – Near Some Large Trees
The second Mokoko Seed will take you to the Sacred Spring area. There are some rocks in the middle of it with two large trees next to them. Close to their roots is your collectible.

Mokoko Seed #3 – In the Middle of the Nests
Upon collecting the previous Mokoko Seed, go towards the Border Watch area. Make a stop right before entering the area when you reach the monster nests. You will see the next collectible in the middle of the nests on the left side. It’s in the grass in plain sight, and it’s hard to miss.

Mokoko Seed #4 – At the Base of the Tower
Another Ankumo Mountain Mokoko Seed can be found after the previous one. Head north from the previous spot and turn left to go through the Ankumo Bivouac area. Keep going west until you reach a tower surrounded by a fence and rocks.
The tower is located right in the middle of the map section. On the right side of the structure, you will find a gap in the fence. Go through it, and at the base of the tower lays your sneaky seed.

Mokoko Seed #5 – By the Green Fog
The last collectible is east of the Border Watch triport. Look for it in the camp, in the northeast corner. If you can’t see it, it’s because of the green fog emanated by the plague-infested people, but it’s there.

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