Rethramis Border Mokoko Seeds are collectibles you can find all over the world of Arkesia, just like the ones you can pick up from the Aquilok’s Head dungeon. Your search for the Lost Ark will take you to the border of the Rethramis continent.
Here, the developers from Smilegate have carefully hidden ten Mokoko Seeds, which you can find with the help of the following guide.
Rethramis Border Mokoko Seeds Map
The Rethramis Border Mokoko Seed locations map below will be of great help in finding each collectible. There are ten of them in this area, out of sight as usual.

Mokoko Seed #1 – Behind a Windmill
As you enter the area coming from Ankumo Mountain, you can find the first Mokoko Seed a few meters forward, behind a windmill. There is also a horse attached to a cart nearby.

Mokoko Seed #2 – In Front Of The Tree
Upon collecting the previous seed, take a few steps forward and go west until you reach a small camp. There you will find a tree, a dying fire, a windmill, and some raiders. Kill the raiders and go to the bush in front of the tree to find the second seed.

Mokoko Seed #3 – Near The Buckets Of Water
Continuing from the last obtained collectible, head north to find the third Mokoko Seed. Stay on the right side of the map, and after some distance, you will see a lake. In front of it, hiding in the grass near the buckets of water lays our culprit.

Mokoko Seeds #4 & 5 – Against the Wall
For the following two collectibles, go to Regria Monastery and head towards the southwest exit. After you pass by the triport, you will find the two Rethramis Border Mokoko Seeds between the road and the building.

You can’t see them, but the collectibles are right there against the wall.

Mokoko Seed #6 – In the Bush
Another seed can be found going through the southeast exit of Regria Monastery. Once you clear the area, go towards the Monastery Orchards hugging the left side of the map. Right before entering the Orchards area, there is a wooden fence and some trees on the left. Between the trees, you will find the sixth collectible in the bush.

Mokoko Seed #7 – Behind a House
The next Mokoko Seed is in the middle of the Monastery Orchards area. More precisely, it’s at the base of a dead tree behind a house.

Mokoko Seed #8 – Under the Tree
The eighth collectible is hidden behind a secret passage in the Graveyard. Go towards the southwest of the cemetery as far as the map allows it. Kill all the mobs there to reveal a climbing spot you can interact with. Once in the secret area, head north.
Follow the road until you encounter a nest with giant eggs right there in the open. Turn left, and you will see some huge bones with a tree north of them. The seed is located right there under the tree.

Mokoko Seeds #9 & 10 – Beside the Nest
The last two Rethramis Border Mokoko Seeds are located a couple of steps forward from the previous one. On the left edge of the map, you will find another nest with giant eggs. Besides, you will find the last two collectibles.

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