Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice features a series of collectibles hidden around the city by the Riddler. Known as Riddler’s Trophies, these small question marks are similar to those from the Batman: Arkham series, except that they don’t require solving any puzzles.
While not as tricky as the Racine Riddles, the Trophies can become problematic because they don’t appear on your map unless you are very close to them. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at every Riddler’s Trophy in the Racine area of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice.
Where To Find Every Suicide Squad Riddler Trophy in Racine
As you can see, I have marked the locations of the 4 Trophies in Racine on the following map. These appear on your game map as small green question marks. In the game’s world, they also glow. When you find one of them, if it’s on the ground, all you need to do is get close to it and collect it.
If it’s in an area hard to reach (for example, on a wall), you need to shoot it down before being able to collect it. Remember that a Riddler Trophy counts as collected only after you pick it up.
Assuming you need additional help finding them, I’ll guide you from one Trophy to another, following the order on the map.
Riddler Trophy #1: On Top of the Hall of Justice
The first hidden Riddler Trophy is hanging on a wall. As you can see, it’s on the eastern side of the Hall of Justice. Climb the roof and look for it while standing on the balcony. Shoot it down to be able to collect it.
Riddler Trophy #2: Near a Hotel
The second Trophy, hidden by the Riddler, is easier to find. It’s on the western side of Racine, on a lower roof near a hotel. Just get close to it and pick it up.
Riddler Trophy #3: Behind a Yellow Container
For the next green question mark, you’ll want to heat to the central area of Racine. You’ll find the collectible behind a yellow container on the northern side of the Hall of Justice courtyard. It’s waiting on the ground, so there is no need to shoot it.
Riddler Trophy #4: On a Water Tower
The last green Trophy hidden by the Riddler is on the northern side of Racine. Head to the location on my map above and look for a water tower. You should be able to spot the collectible on the tower’s wall. Make sure you shoot this one down and collect it from the ground. Now, head to Midtown to find the 7 Riddler Trophies.
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