Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artifact Collectibles Guide

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

Updated December 5, 2023

Trek To Yomi is an ultra-stylized cinematic action-adventure that follows Hiroki’s captivating journey as he fights against the powers of evil. Throughout the journey, you can find collectibles known as artifacts that are very well hidden and easy to miss. Each chapter in the video game developed by Flying Wild Hog has a specific number of artifacts for you to find and collect.

Therefore, I will show you how to collect all seven of the Chapter 1 Artifacts in Trek To Yomi in this guide. Before we start, it is worth knowing that if by any chance you miss any of the Chapter 1 Artifacts listed below and complete the mission, you’ll have to restart the chapter.

Artifact #1 – Tamaya Mirror

Once you complete the tutorial fight, proceed to the back of the building, in the garden. Tamaya Mirror is one of the Trek To Yom Artifacts that can be found near a supporting pole beneath the pavilion at the far end of the garden.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artifacts Locations Guide

Artifact #2 – Izanagi Print

As you make your way through the city and buildings, you will find yourself inside a restaurant where people are dining. The second collectible or artifact can be found on the table in the first room of this building.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artifacts Locations

Artifact #3 – Kai-Awase Shell

Kai-Awase Shell Artifact can be found past the Quartermaster in the storage room, near the first shrine. As you go through the doorway, you will reach an open area and a vendor that you can interact with. Speak with the vendor, and he will offer you the collectible artifact.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artifacts Guide

Artifact #4 – Sakura Bloom

Sakura Bloom Artifact can be found just past the shrine after crossing a bridge. As you enter the bamboo building, turn left, and you will find the collectible artifact on the table.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artefacts Locations Guide

Artifact #5 – Field Mouse Sculpture

After your first couple of fights, the fifth Trek To Yomi artifact can be found near a shrine down the hill. To get it, you have to find a small alley behind a wooden fence, a bit down the slope from the shrine. On the table, you will find the Field Mouse Sculpture Artifact.

trek to yomi chapter 1 artefacts locations 1 - GameClubz

Artifact #6 – Kakute

The Kakute Artifact can be found in the house with the straw roof in the outer village before you have to push the cart. The collectible artifact is near the corpse in the center of the room.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Artefacts Locations

Artifact #7 – Izanami Print

The last Chapter 1 Artifact in Trek To Yomi can be found when you reach the fields near the end of the mission. Before turning left at the path intersection, take a right, and you will reach a cemetery guarded by bandits. Kill the bandits, and you will find the Izanami Print Artifact on a tombstone at the end of the area. You can also find a Stamina Upgrade here.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 1 Where To Find All Artifacts

That’s all the Chapter 1 Collectible locations, but don’t forget to check the guide for all Artifacts in Chapter 2.

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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