The Artifacts in Trek To Yomi provide a broader understanding of the Japanese culture and the game’s environment. In Chapter 6 of the video game developed by Flying Wild Hog, there are 10 Artifacts or collectibles you can find. Once you’ve finished the previous chapter (make sure you collect all Chapter 5 Artifacts), Hiroki’s journey continues with him pushing into the very heart of Yomi.
Artifact #1 – Yutsu-Tsuma-Gushi
The first Trek To Yomi Chapter 6 Artifact can be found on the route to the top, right at the beginning of the level. When you reach the first saving shrine, the Artifact will be nearby on the ground – we’ve marked it in the image below.

Artifact #2 – Maggots
The next Chapter 6 Collectible can be found slightly further on after you teleport for the second time, slide down a slope, and climb onto a small ledge. Take the path up and to the left to find the Artifact on a small crate between skulls and candles.

Artifact #3 – Ebikazura Grapes
After going through the Torii Gate portal and finishing the section where you must fight and avoid the rain of arrows, you will reach a platform with a saving shrine and your next puzzle. Just before the saving shrine, the Artifact can be found atop a rock – as you see in the marked image below.

Artifact #4 – Thunder Drum
After you’ve finished fighting your way through in front of the gigantic snake skull, you’ll reach a house on your left with a ladder inside. Climb the ladder and walk onto the wooden beams in the foreground to get the Trek To Yomi Collectible lying in the middle.

Artifact #5 – Ookamuduminomikoto
One of the enormous teleporting pillars can be found on a stairway a little further up your main path. The Artifact is on a crate next to a tree on the far right side of the screen.

Artifact #6 – Totsuka-No-Tsurugi
The next collectible can be found in the jungle before crossing the wooden bridge to another teleporting pillar. You’ll come across the Artifact near a small box nestled under a tree to the far right.

Artifact #7 – Naginata Tip
Teleport to the village on fire and cross the first trembling wooden bridge to reach the area in the image below. The seventh Artifact can be found on the side of an overturned cart in the backdrop near a small bridge before moving on to the right.

Artifact #8 – Tainted Clothing
Head to the house on the far right side when you reach the docks. This Artifact can be found on a ledge beside a boat – I’ve marked it in the image below.

Artifact #9 – Yomotsu Hirasaka
Head to the right after using the teleporter on the docks until you reach a shrine. The Artifact can be found in front of a house and several market stalls on a fence in the foreground.

Artifact #10 – Onusa
Toward the end of the chapter, make a left instead of walking into the light of the Torii Gate. This will take you to a side alley where the Artifact can be found on the ground behind the cart.

After finishing this chapter, it’s time to find the last batch of collectibles, so check my Chapter 7 Artifact locations guide.
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