Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artifact Collectibles Guide

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

Updated December 5, 2023

Chapter 7 features nine Trek To Yomi Artifacts you don’t want to miss if you wish to unlock all trophies/achievements. After completing the previous chapter (make sure you collect all Chapter 6 Artifacts), Hiroki’s journey continues back to his home village, which is still in flames, to eventually fight the game’s antagonist – Kagerou.

Artifact #1 – Matching Kai-Awase Shell

Move to the right at the start of Chapter 7, and on the following screen, you’ll find the artifact near the main road on the top of a crate.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artifacts Locations Guide

Artifact #2 – Hiogi Remnant

Continue along the path and up the stairs into the building, where you picked up the Izanagi Print artifact in Chapter 1. The second Chapter 7 artifact can be found on the counter to the right, near the dead man.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artifacts Locations

Artifact #3 – Kiseru Remnant

After getting outside and fighting a couple of enemies, you’ll find two injured villagers at the top of the screen, near a wagon as well as other wreckage. The collectible can be found atop a crate on the stairway.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artifacts Guide

Artifact #4 – Death Warrant

After dropping through the building’s roof and returning to the ground level, you’ll find a little back alley area to the right. The next artifact can be found atop a barrel in the foreground.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artefacts Locations Guide

Artifact #5 – Omoikane Mask

After defeating the General in front of the burning wreckage, head to the left and enter the house. You will find the artifact in the first room, on the shelf – we’ve marked it in the image below.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artefacts Locations

Artifact #6 – Tsurugi

You’ll come across a part of the village where a massive blast has blocked your path. Proceed through the building on the right, make your way through the enemies ahead, squeeze through the crates, and jump over the obstacle in the next building. You will find the sixth Trek To Yomi collectibles on a table – I’ve marked it in the image below.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artefacts Guide

Artifact #7 – Kanke Koshu

Immediately after collecting the previous artifact, proceed to the next floor and look to the left of the door. You will find the artifact placed on a barrel.

Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Where To Find All Artifacts

Artifact #8 – Kagami

Running through the burning houses as it explodes, you will eventually arrive at a river stream with a bridge over it. Instead of climbing the stairs, follow the path along the river and head under the bridge. The artifact is on the right, by the rocks.

Trek To Yomi Where To Find All Artifacts in Chapter 7

Artifact #9 – Sake Cup

Immediately after activating the saving shrine, do not ascend the stairs to the dojo to encounter the final boss. Instead, follow the path to your left first. The final Trek To Yomi Chapter 7 Artifact can be found on top of the boxes at the bottom left of the following screen.

Trek To Yomi Where To Find All Chapter 7 Artifacts Collectibles

Welcome to our collection of mixed video game guides, where you’ll find a vast and on-growing collection of tutorials and walkthroughs for what we consider underrated titles. The collection includes partial and complete guides for indie games and technical how-tos; however, if you’re looking for la creme de la creme, you should check our Video Games Library section.

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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