Atlas Fallen A Mother’s Request is a short but sad errand available in the Monsalar Bastengar’s Underground citadel featured in the action role-playing video game developed by Deck13 Interactive.
A Mother’s Request doesn’t require any special abilities or story progression, but to complete it, you must find a specific grave in the citadel’s graveyard area.
Since it’s fairly short, you should finish A Mother’s Request the moment you find the Lamenting Mother or the quest giver inside the citadel.
If you don’t know where to look for her, we’ll discuss the Lamenting Mother and the Son’s Grave locations in the following Atlas Fallen A Mother’s Request walkthrough.
How To Start a Mother’s Request Errand in Atlas Fallen
To begin A Mother’s Request in Atlas Fallen, all you need to do is progress the main quest From Beliefs to Trust until you are asked to find Khendra.
Khendra is located inside the main room of the Bastengar’s Underground citadel. When you find her, look around to spot an older woman sitting in a wheelchair.
If you encounter difficulties in finding Khendra and the Lamenting Mother, I have marked their locations on the following map.

When talking to the Lamenting Mother, you’ll find out her son and husband died. The NPC asks you to place some flowers on her son’s grave and honor him since he was one of those who believed in the power of the gauntlet your champion is wearing.
Where To Find The Mother’s Request Son’s Grave
The Son’s Grave in Atlas Fallen isn’t too far from your current location, and if you completed the Fallen Knights Erand, you already know where to look for it.
It is found southeast of the citadel’s main room. Head outside the large room where you find Khendra, then in the courtyard, head southeast, following the stairs on the left side of the large gate.
On the other side of the citadel’s wall, you’ll see the graveyard. To find the grave of the Lamenting Mother’s Son, head left, past the Graveyard Keeper, and on the right side of the path in the cemetery, you’ll see the following graveyard at the base of a stone statue.

Approach the grave and place the flowers to complete the request, then head back to the Lamenting Mother to claim your rewards.
By finishing the Atlas Fallen A Mother’s Request errand, you’ll be able to unlock Formula XII, which teaches you how to fuse the Momentum Alliance and Idol’s Bliss Essence Stones.
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