Atlas Fallen Weight of Responsibility is probably the most accessible errand available in the Caladrias Forbidden Lands region of the video game developed by Deck13 Interactive, as it requires you to find the camp of a lost guard named David.
Alternatively, if you find the camp first, the Weight of Responsibility errand requires you to find David or the missing guard. Regardless, for this short Atlas Fallen errand or side quest, you’ll be able to claim some Essence Dust you can use to upgrade your character’s gear.
However, since the Atlas Fallen side quests and errands aren’t marked on your map, you can easily miss the Weight of Responsibility unless you carefully explore the game’s world.
As such, throughout the following guide, I’ll tell you where to find David and how to complete the Atlas Fallen Weight of Responsibility.
How To Start the Atlas Fallen Weight of Responsibility Errand
The Weight of Responsibility errand in Atlas Fallen is best approached while playing another errand named Eyes in the Desert, which requires you to find three lookouts.
When searching for the Desert Lookout, you’ll eventually find A Hole In The Desert Treasure Map which leads you to a pointy stone with a hole inside.
After claiming the Treasure Chest and finding the dead lookout, head through the hole in the stone, and you’ll reach a secluded area where you should see a lonely NPC overseeing the ravine. You can find him at the location marked below.

Talk to David, and he’ll tell you he is worried because he has to return to the capital, thus leaving the Forbidden Lands unprotected.
The worried guard needs some time alone and wants you to inform his superior that he is okay. So your objective is to find his camp.
Where To Find the Guard’s Camp in Atlas Fallen
Luckily David’s camp is pretty close to where you found him. Specifically above his current location, which is an elevated area.
Therefore, head back through the hole in the pointy rock, turn left, and look for the green marker on the map below.

As you get close, you should see a large damaged cart made of wood and an NPC next to it.
All you need to do now is talk to the Caravan Guard (pictured below) and tell him that you found David.

Although you have two dialogue choices when he asks you what happened, they won’t affect the story or the rewards you’ll receive.
Simply tell the Caravan Guard that David will be back soon, and the Atlas Fallen Weight of Responsibility quest is complete.
Now that you managed to find David, it’s time to help other NPCs, so feel free to check our Atlas Fallen Wiki if you want to complete all quests in the game and find all collectibles.
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