Diablo 4 At Any Cost is part of the To Walk a Dark Path questline, which can be started and completed in the Hawezar region.
At Any Cost is the second quest in the questline and follows the story in To Walk a Dark Path, where you must find Curate Symon for Father Dymus, the only priest in Zarbinzet.
The Any Cost side-quest is not that hard, but it can still cause you problems as you have to find a Refuge in the Blightmarsh area.
As such, if you want to complete D4 At Any Cost quickly, it would be best to check our walkthrough below.
How To Start At Any Cost Quest in Diablo 4
The requirements to start At Any Cost, which is part of the 49 Hawezar side-quests, are the following:
- reach the Hawezar region and finish Act 5
- complete To Walk a Dark Path side-quest
Then, as the previous quest ends, you can open your map to see a search area in the northwestern part of Blightmarsh.
We’ve pinpointed the search area on our next map to aid you further.

In the said search area, you must find the refuge marked by giant tusks because Symon might be there, as the Pilgrims from the previous quest mentioned.
Thus, let’s see where the refuge is located exactly.
Where To Find the Refuge Marked by Giant Tusks in Diablo 4
If you’re in a hurry or simply want to get to the refuge directly, don’t hesitate to look over the map below, where we’ve marked its exact location.

When you get to the spot, look for the entrance with the huge tusks, you can’t miss it.
Now enter the Strange Refuge, and inside, you’ll find some wildlife you must slay.
Then you must investigate the campsite, and you can notice a Dusty Cot on the left side, a Destroyed Cookpot in the middle, and some Half-Melted Candles on the right side, just like in the image below.

To continue, you must interact with all three, then go to the Groaning Corpse on the right side.

You can actually talk to the corpse, then fight him, but be careful because he is an Elite enemy.
After taking down the Acolyte of Rathma, you can pick up his head from the ground.
The Acolyte’s Head will tell you what to do next, and that is to collect the nearby candles for a ritual.
If you have problems locating the candles, you should know that they have a blue marker on the minimap.
Then you must place the candles on the ground in specific spots also marked on the minimap, as shown in the following screenshot.

Finally, place the Acolyte’s Head in the marked spot on the left side, then talk to it to start the ritual.
You’ll now see how Elias killed the Acolyte of Rathma and mentioned how he and Symon must reach Backwater by daylight.
Nicely done, Nephalem! You’ve completed Diablo 4 Any Cost and received XP, Gold, Renown points, and a Cache. But if you want to pursue Elias and Symon for the Turbulent Waters side-quest, head to Backwater.
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