In the Dry Steppes, the arid region that you will explore during Act III of Diablo 4‘s campaign, you can find and collect 33 Altars of Lilith.
The Altars of Lilith can offer bonuses to all characters on that realm, such as stat increases or currency increases, and grant 10 Renown for the region.
The majority of the Altars of Lilith are really well hidden behind rocks or trees, especially in the Dry Steppes region.
Therefore, in this Diablo IV guide, we will help you discover all Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith locations in the video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.
Where To Find All Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith in Diablo IV
Our custom map can help you locate all 33 Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith in Diablo 4 quickly and easily.
To save you from a lot of backtracking, we have indicated the exact locations of each Altar of Lilith in the Dry Steppes region in chronological event order.

All Dry Steppes Altars of Lilith List in Diablo 4
If you’re experiencing difficulties finding any of the Altars of Lilith in Dry Steppes, despite using the provided custom map, here are some helpful hints to guide you.
Altar of Lilith: | Where To Find (Area): |
1 | Northwest of the Farobru Waypoint, inside a cave in the Wayward Plains area. |
2 | Southwest of Ked Bardu, tucked away amidst some rocks at the base of a small cliff in The Wretched Strand area. |
3 | Southeast of Ked Bardu, nestled against the wall at the end of a cave in the Wayward Plains area. |
4 | East of Ked Bardu, inside an alcove nestled within the cliff face, concealed behind a stone pillar that shields it from sight in the Wayward Plains area. |
5 | East of Ked Bardu and the previous Altar of Lilith (#4), inside a network of tunnels packed with Dry Steppes side quests in the Abahru Canyon area. |
6 | Southeast of the Dark Ravine dungeon, use the climbing point in the Rift of a Thousand Eyes area to reach the Altar of Lilith. |
7 | In the southern part of The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold, there is a cave that you can duck into to find the Altar of Lilith. |
8 | Immediately west of The Onyx Watchtowerm, between a gnarled tree and the edge of a cliff in the Bastard’s Pass area. |
9 | Southeast of The Onyx Watchtower, hidden behind a tree after a climbing section in the Bluffs of Olzei area. |
10 | North of the Mournfield dungeon, at the end of a long path in The Crown of Fiends area. |
11 | Southeast of Farobru Waypoint, inside a cave in the Hapless Frontier area. |
12 | Northeast of Fate’s Retreat Waypoint, in an alcove near a lava pool and on the edge of the cliff in the Forsaken Ascent area. |
13 | East of Fate’s Retreat Waypoint, inside a hidden alcove near a stream of molten lava in the Path of Stray Souls area. |
14 | South of Fate’s Retreat Waypoint and to the east of the large circular arena on the map, concealed by some rocks in the Path of Stray Souls area. |
15 | West of the Hidden Overlook Waypoint, hidden in a small wooden structure in the Bloodsoaked Ingress area. |
16 | West of the Buried Halls dungeon, near some posts with bound bodies, flickering torches, and a pitched tent in the Bloodsoaked Ingress. |
17 | South of the Hidden Overlook Waypoint, in an alcove tucked between the rocks in The Trail of Bones area. |
18 | North of the Shifting City dungeon, on the western side of the circular arena with the event in The Bleak Expanse area. |
19 | Southeast from the Hidden Overlook Waypoint and west of the circular arena, nestled between two cliffs in The Bleak Expanse area. |
20 | In the southern part of the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold, surrounded by pieces of stone. |
21 | West of the Bloodsoaked Crag dungeon, jump across the gap in the Crane Tribe Hutmoot area to find the Altar of Lilith. |
22 | North of the Sealed Archives dungeon, concealed behind a small tree in the Galtmaa Bushland area. |
23 | South of the Sealed Archives dungeon and west of the Champion’s Demise dungeon, barely visible in the corner of a field in the Desolation’s Reach area. |
24 | South of the Temple of Rot Stronghold, hidden inside a small ruined building in the Galtmaa Bushlands area. |
25 | In the northeastern part of the Temple of Rot Stronghold, on a dark corridor near some broken pillars. |
26 | South of the Alzuuda Waypoint in the Fields of Hatred, on the edge of a cliff inside a cave in the Akhai Prairie area. |
27 | South of the Forgotten Depths dungeon, on a small rocky shore in The Brackish Pans area. |
28 | East of the Forgotten Depths dungeon, at the end of a path that leads to a cliff’s edge in the Adherent’s Rise area. |
29 | West of the Forgotten Depths dungeon, under a broken bridge in The Brackish Pans area. |
30 | North of the Carrion Fields dungeon, in a small cave near the water in the Ragged Shore area. |
31 | East of the Carrion Fields dungeon, climb the small mountain to find the Altar of Lilith near a broken cart in the Undying Marches area. |
32 | North of the Komdor Temple dungeon, in the corner of the beach in The Ashen Tread area. |
33 | Southeast of the Komdor Temple dungeon, tucked away in a corner overlooking the water in the Tamuur Hinterland area. |
And with that, we’ve covered every Dry Steppes Altar of Lilith location in Diablo 4. If you are looking for a complete list of all the side quests within the region, check out our Dry Steppes side quests locations guide.
Also, our Diablo IV Wiki Hub Page contains a ton of guides with helpful information about collectibles and quests.
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