Diablo IV Hawezar All Altars of Lilith Locations

Diablo IV is an action role-playing game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment for PlayStation 4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Set 30 years after the events of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls; Diablo 4 is one of the most expected video games of 2023 and a strong contender for the Game of the Year Award.

Diablo IV features five classes (Barbarian, Sorcerer, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer) that players can access while exploring the world of Sanctuary in their attempts to deal with the daughter of Mephisto, Lilith.

Our D4 hub below covers the trickiest quests you must complete in the latest Diablo game, the best builds, legendary weapons locations, and much more. Welcome to Sanctuary, Nephalem!

Updated January 18, 2024

In the Hawezar region of Diablo 4, a place of madness, black magic, and a bunch of poisonous spiders, you can come across 34 Altars of Lilith.

Most of the Altars of Lilith in Hawezar will enhance one of your core stats, while others will increase the amount of Murmuring Obols you can carry or give you a bonus Paragon Point.

When you activate an Altar of Lilith, all your characters receive the bonuses since they are account-wide.

Finding and collecting the D4 Altars of Lilith will grant you 10 Renown points, a great way to level up your region quickly.

Therefore, in the following Diablo 4 guide, we will cover all the Hawezar Altars of Lilith locations in the open-world action RPG video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.

Where To Find All Hawezar Altars of Lilith in Diablo IV

Hawezar has 34 Altars of Lilith for you to discover, mostly concealed in small crevices or beside the roots of dead trees.

Locating these altars may be challenging, but we have a custom map showing the locations of all 34 Altars of Lilith in Hawezar.

Diablo 4 Hawezar Altar of Lilith Locations Map

All Hawezar Altars of Lilith List in Diablo 4

To make your collectible hunt as smooth as possible, we’ve prepared a table list with hints on every Altar of Lilith in Hawezar, following the same order as on the map above.

Altar of Lilith:Where To Find (Area):
1In the northernmost part of the Crusader’s Monument Stronghold, hidden behind a gnarled tree.
2North of Zarbinzet Waypoint, near a soldier statue with candles around it in the Umir Plateau area.
3West of Zarbinzet Waypoint, hidden behind brush near a tree in the Savage Precipice area.
4South of the Earthen Wound dungeon, hidden behind the bushes and nestled against a rocky outcrop in The Fallow Tillage.
5East of the Forgotten Cave dungeon, at the bottom of a small waterfall in the Faith’s Edge area.
6Southwest of the Ruins of Eridu dungeon, resting against a wall and surrounded by windswept trees.
7South of the Blind Burrows dungeon, hidden by gnarled tree branches in the Plains of Attrition area.
8West of the Maugan’s Works dungeon, covered by a tree branch in the Diseased Embankment area.
9North of the Maugan’s Works dungeon, concealed behind the branches of trees in The Devouring Moor area.
10In the northernmost part of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep, under a broken stone roof.
11North of the Ruins of Rakhat Keep, surrounded by spikes in the Bloodpox Basin area.
12Northwest of the Hungering Swamp dungeon, hidden behind a gnarled tree in the Crimson Spoil area.
13Southeast of the Light’s Refuge dungeon, in the corner of a cliff near a tent in the Dismal Foothills area.
14Northeast of the Heathen’s Keep dungeon, at the end of the long, wide path, concealed by branches in the Intruder’s Claim area.
15Near the Oblivion dungeon, surrounded by gnarled trees in the Eriman’s Pyre area.
16South of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon, concealed underneath a tree branch in the Tszava’s Slough area.
17East of the Fetid Mausoleum dungeon, surrounded by dead trees in the Immurement of Thorns area.
18South of The Tree of Whispers Waypoint, surrounded by gnarled trees next to a stone ruin in The Swamp of Vanished Souls area.
19North of the Haunted Refuge dungeon, beside an old rib cage of a giant creature in the Misshapen Labyrinth area.
20East of the Ancient Reservoir dungeon, near a broken cart and gnarled trees in the Bosun’s Woe area.
21South of the Haunted Refuge dungeon, tucked between the roots near a ruined structure in the Revenant’s Roam area.
22Northeast of the Belfry Zakara dungeon, resting against a wrecked boat with a stone statue on top in the Bosun’s Woe area.
23West of the Haunted Refuge dungeon, in a small alcove surrounded by large trees in the Corpsewail Deluge area.
24Southwest of the Hungering Swamp story dungeon, near a small shack and gnarled trees in the Corpsewail Deluge area.
25Immediately east of the Serpent’s Lair dungeon, inside a ruined house covered in moss in the Yngovani area.
26West of the Quiet Clearing dungeon, near an abandoned shack and some mossy logs in The Dark Dross area.
27Northwest of the Backwater Waypoint, near two big trees and surrounded by rubble in the Blackguard Bog area.
28Northwest of the Faceless Shrine dungeon, in the water with spikes and surrounded by tall trees in The Rustwash area.
29South of the Backwater waypoint, near the mast of a wrecked ship in the Mangrove Snarl area.
30East of the Vyeresz Waypoint, next to some ruins and covered by the branches of a large tree in the Ottvik’s Travail area.
31North of the Ghoa Ruins dungeon, surrounded by some thin trees in the Ottvik’s Travail area.
32West of the Leviathan’s Maw dungeon, leaning against a rock in The Molting Shore area.
33East of the Ruins of Eridu dungeon, covered by thin trees in the Reach of Adulation area.
34In the western part of the Vyeresz Temple Ruins, leaning against the ruins of the circular area.

For those interested in completing all the side quests in the region, we have a comprehensive guide listing all Kehjistan side quest locations.

Also, our Diablo 4 Wiki Hub Page is a fantastic place that offers a wealth of helpful guides on quests and collectibles.

Diablo IV is an action role-playing game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment for PlayStation 4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Set 30 years after the events of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls; Diablo 4 is one of the most expected video games of 2023 and a strong contender for the Game of the Year Award.

Diablo IV features five classes (Barbarian, Sorcerer, Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer) that players can access while exploring the world of Sanctuary in their attempts to deal with the daughter of Mephisto, Lilith.

Our D4 hub below covers the trickiest quests you must complete in the latest Diablo game, the best builds, legendary weapons locations, and much more. Welcome to Sanctuary, Nephalem!

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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