God of War Ragnarok Modvitnir’s Rig is one of the three locations you’ll need to visit in Svartalfheim in order to destroy the mining rigs for In Service Of Asgard Favor.
God of War Ragnarok Modvitnir’s Rig features four collectibles required to achieve 100% completion, as follows:
- 1 Legendary Chest
- 1 Lore
- 1 Buried Treasure
- 1 Mining Rig
So, follow this comprehensive guide to learn where to find in chronological order all four Modvitnir’s Rig collectibles in the video game developed by Santa Monica Studio.
Buried Treasure (Fruits Of Industry): Near The Dock
After you pull ashore, climb up the ledge in front of you to find an orange glowing light.
To spawn the Buried Treasure, you must first get the Treasure Map, which can be obtained from the Lore Scroll collectible located in the Alberich Hollow region (covered in-depth here).
If you don’t have the Treasure Map, you’ll never see the orange glowing light, so check our Fruits of Industry Treasure Map guide to learn how to get it.

Press Circle to interact with the orange digging spot and receive 1 Petrified Bone, 1 Luminous Alloy, 1 Asgardian Ingot, 40 Shattered Ruins, and Svartalfheim’s Lifeblood (Amulet Accessory).
Legendary Chest (Yggdrasil Seed): Next To A Crane
Now, climb the nearby wall and throw your axe to spin the plate on the right, which opens the gate.
Jump over the gap and climb the tower until you reach the God of War Ragnarok Modvitnir’s Rig Legendary Chest at the top.

After opening the chest, you’ll receive one-half of a Yggdrasil Seed needed to travel to Muspelheim’s Crucible, which will also start The Crucible Favor.
To find the second one, check our God of War Ragnarok Legendary Chests locations guide here.
Lore Marker (Warning): Under A Demolished Platform
From the Modvitnir’s Rig Legendary Chest, turn right and press Circle to use your Blades of Chaos and jump over the gap.
Immediately after jumping over, drop down on the right side to find Modvitnir’s Rig Lore on the stone tablet. It counts as one of the 80 Lore collectibles you have to find.

Also, to kill the Ormr beast near the stone tablet, return to the platform with the Legendary Chest and throw the Leviathan Axe through the gap to hit it from behind.
Mining Rig: On Top Of The Mountain
Now, climb back up and throw your Leviathan Axe twice at the giant crane to turn it to the right. Then, use the crane to cross the gap by pressing Circle.
Climb the golden chain to the top of the area to find Modvitnir’s Mining Rig.
Defeat all the enemies around first, then interact with the Modvitnir’s Mining Rig to shut it down.

In exchange for your efforts, you will receive 2 Nidavellir Ore, which you can use to craft the Nioavellir’s Finest Armour. Once you’re done, make sure you find the next two mining rigs to complete In Service Of Asgard Favor outlined in our guide.
And that’s how you find and collect all four Modvitnir’s Rig collectibles in God of War Ragnarok. For more collectibles guides, feel free to check our God of War Ragnarok Wiki Hub.
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