Get Rocket a Charged Battery is one of the many objectives you have to complete in Chapter 1 of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy video game developed by Eidos-Montréal. This objective is not too hard, but to complete it, you’ll need to use Peter’s visor, and you may encounter difficulties finding the battery.
To find Rocket’s Charged Battery in the Guardians of the Galaxy video game, first, you need to reach the area where Rocket starts messing with the Chitauri Bomb. This happens, as said in Chapter 1, named A Risky Gamble, in a relatively large area.
Here, Rocket will start working on the bomb right in the middle, and Peter’s goal is to find the Charged Battery. The moment you receive this objective, press RS to activate Peter’s visor. Now, head behind the large pillar where Rocket is doing what he does best, then look up to spot a gray goo named Brittle. You can see it below.

Now, if you pay close attention to the brittle, you can see that it holds a platform that has a yellow object on it. That is Rocket’s Charged Battery you need to get, and all you have to do is shoot the gray brittle. This action releases the platform, and the battery falls to the ground, as you can see.

Now, approach the Charged Battery and pick it up by pressing the corresponding button (Y on Xbox). Return to Rocket, and the objective is complete; however, be advised that your team gets ambushed, so stay alert.
Last but not least, while playing Guardians Of The Galaxy Chapter 1, make sure you find all Outfits covered here, all Archives explained in this guide, and all Guardian Collectibles explained here. Otherwise, if you are a completionist, you’ll need to replay the whole Chapter to get them.
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