While exploring the eastern Central Hyrule area in Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom, you may discover the Rebonae Bridge Well, where you’ll encounter a desperate NPC named Dillie who needs your help getting outside an underground passage, as part of the Fell Into A Well side-quest.
Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom Fell Into A Well is an early side-quest; however, because of Dillie’s location, it is also a hidden one, meaning that you can easily miss it unless you check the Rebonae Bridge Well.
Unlike other Wells in the video game developed by Nintendo, Rebonae Bridge Well is relatively poor in loot; however, this landmark is essential if you wish to finish all side-quests in Legend Of Zelda ToTk.
So, let’s see where to find the Rebonae Bridge Well and how to help Dillie get outside by fixing his Broken Ladder.
How To Start Zelda ToTK Fell Into A Well Side Quest
To start Fell Into A Well side-quest, you have to reach the eastern border of the Central Hyrule area, following the road leading to Lanayru Wetlands.
The fastest way to get to the location marked below is to fast-travel to Yamiyo Shrine and then cross the southeastern field along the river.

After reaching the large bridge close to the location marked above, look for a well on top of the hill nearby.
Jump inside, and you’ll find Dillie in the following screenshot.

When you talk to Dillie, he tells Link that he fell inside the Well while trying to recover something. He doesn’t mention what, but he does tell you that the broken part of his ladder is still inside the Well, so you can use it to help him get outside.
How To Repair The Broken Ladder For Dillie In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom
Before fixing the ladder, make sure you look around and clear the Rebonae Bridge Well of all materials. Grab the Brightbloom Seeds on the cave’s wall and the two Glowing Cave Fish in the small pond.
Now, you’ll want to deal with Dillie’s ladder, so selected Link’s Ultrahand Ability and grab the Broken Ladder on the ground.
As you are about to see, the ladder is flexible, so you’ll want to rely on gravity to solve this puzzle.
As such, when using the Ultrahand Ability, aim for one of the ladder’s ends, and attach it to the hanging ladder close to the ceiling.

After you fix the Rebonae Bridge Well Broken Ladder, head back to Dillie and talk to him.
Alongside Link, he’ll move outside the Well and reward you with 50 Purple Rupees for helping him escape the underground cave.
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